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I suppose you will be ready to go at a day or two's notice. The Land Court meets on the 24th October at Taupo, and St. George goes back to be there at that time. In haste, Tours always, S. Locke, Esq. H. R. Russell. P.S.—I have written to Whitmore on the subject, as it is agreed now to take him into the whole concern, the Governor for reasons of State thinking it better at present that he should not be in the concern. Another moneyed man will be in his place however. Cox has letters from the Governor.

Enclosure 2 in No. 1. The Hon. H. R. Russell to Mr. S. Locke. Mt deae Sic, — Wellington, 9th October, 1867. Cox will be up by the steamer of the 29th, and I hope to be able to go with him and Whitmore at that time. I enclose you the letters from the Governor to the Natives., and if you think it desirable to go on a week before to find out the different owners, and get information about the country, I think it might be well, and would save time afterwards. Tou can tell the Natives we are to follow. Whitmore's name had better not be mentioned to them at present, I think. The Council will be over in about ten days I fancy, and then you will be free to go, I presume. I think it of much importanco that you should be at Taupo before the Court is held there on the 28th, as probably persons may be there looking for land, who will commence negotiations with the Natives, and thereby give us much trouble. I shall write you probably by the steamer of the 18th, but if you do not hear again from me before I return home, you are to consider that Cox and I wish you to go on in advance of us to pave the way and save our time, if you can manage it. Take great care of the letters. Tours always, S. Locke, Esq. H. R. Russell. I shall send the Governor's letters on the 18th, having read them first.

Enclosure 3 in No. 1. The Hon. H. R. Russell to Mr. S. Locke. Mt deae Sic,— Wellington, 12th October, 1867. I enclose the Governor's letters, omitted in my last; please take good care of them. Dr. Hector and I will be at Waipukurau about the 26th, I think ; but I think you will probably have left for Taupo before then. Write me before you go, where we shall find you. Dr. Hector takes up a good man with him, but I think we should also have a trusty Native to take charge of commissariat, &c. McLean can no doubt procure us that when Cox and I are ready to start from Napier. Tou can have some one in readiness, however, if wanted to accompany us, about the 2nd November. Yours always, S. Locke, Esq. H. R. Russell.

Enclosure 4 in No. 1. Mr. W. H. Geace to Mr. A. Cox. Sic,— Auckland, 12th December, 1867. On my return from Napier to Taupo, I found that you had made an offer to the Natives for a quantity of land, including a piece which for some time passed I have been negotiating for my brother, and had so far concluded as to feel justified in going to Napier to make arrangements for sheep to send on it at once. I feel sure you could not have been aware of this when you made them an offer. It appears quite clear that the Natives acted under a misconception, and I find that there are great differences of opinion amongst them on the matter. I shall be glad if you will so arrange as to leave out the piece I had agreed for; it comprises about one-fourth of the whole. Hopingpyou will excuse my addressing you, I remain, yours truly, A. Cox, Esq. w. H. Geace. P.S.— Letters addressed W. H. Grace, Parnell, Auckland, will be forwarded to me.

Enclosure 5 in No. 1. Mr. A. Cox to Mr. S. Locke. Mt deae Locke,— Raukapuka, Orari, 22nd December, 1867. I regret that you should have experienced difficulty and delay in the discounting of my bill. It was too bad, after getting the clerk at the bank to fill in the form, that Mr. Braithwaite should have discovered any irregularity. However, I enclose you another, about which, if there be any difficulty on the ground of informality, let the matter rest until I turn up by the end of January, and I will substitute a cheque for the amount.