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efficiency of his survey and the value of ita results, as shown by reports; and other interesting exhibits. John W. Hoyt, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—Otto Farrell.

No. 27. 10th January, 1877. Peodtjct.—Vols. I. to VII. of Transactions and Proceedings. flame, etc. —The New Zealand Institute, New Zealand. For the zeal and scientific value of a work earlv commenced and vigorously carried on. That peculiar feature of the Institute, which consists in its holding the position of central and parent organisation to several local societies, whose scientific papers, if approved, are published in its transactions, is worthy of adoption elsewhere. John. W. Hoyt, Signature of the Judge, Acting Chairman.

No. 28. 27th November, 1876. Pboduct. —Collection of Minerals. Name, etc. —Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. For an instructive collection of Eocks and Minerals from New Zealand, arranged by Dr. James Hector. T. Steebt Hunt, Signature of the Judge. Dr. Th. Kjerulf, J. M. Safford, G. C. Broadhead, J. Lowthian Bell, Fredk. Prine, Junr.

No. 29. Pbodttct.—Phormium. Name, etc. —New Zealand Commissioners, Wellington. General collection of the Fibre, illustrating all manners of preparations and applications for the manufacture of Rope, Cordage, Tarn, Cloth, and Paper. Award for great labour and pains, and for economy and quality of the different products. A. Goldy Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges: —Samuel Webber, Charles H. Wolff, George 0. Baker, H. Waddell, junr., Edward Atkinson, William W. Hulse, Gustav Hermann, Guisseppe Dassi, A de la Gandara, A. D. Lockwood, M. E. de Vasconcellos, E. Richardson.