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No. 6. 6th January, 1876. Peoduct.—Wheat. Name, etc. —W. D. Wood, Christchurch, New Zealand. Fine appearance and good weight of four varieties of wheat. John Beadfoed, Signaf ure of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—H. G. Joby, W. S. Greene, Guido Mara, E. T. Brown, E. H. V. Baumhauer, G. F. Seechi de Casali, Juan Morphy, Eustem.

No. 7. 4th January, 1877. Pbodttct. —Wheat. Name, etc. —P. S. Cunningham and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand. Very fine appearance and very great weight of four varieties of wheat. John Beadeoed, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—H. G. Joby, W. S. Greene, Guido Mara, E. T. Brown, E. H. V. Baumhauer, G. F. Seechi de Casali, Juan Morphy, Eustem.

No. 8. 4th January, 1877. Pec-duct. —Grass Seed. Name, etc. —Eobert Wilkie, Christchurch, New Zealand. Beautiful samples of rye-grass and cocksfoot grass seed. John Beadfoed, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—H. G. Joby, W. S. Greene, Guido Mara, E. H. V. Baumhauer, Bustem, E. T. Brown, G. F. Seechi de Casali, Juan Morphy.

No. 9. 27th December, 1876. Pec-duct. —Phormium Fibre. Name, etc. —Charles Chinnory, Addington, New Zealand. Excellent quality of fibre for roping purposes ; great strength ; careful preparation thereof. A. Goldt, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—Samuel Webber, Charles H. Wolff, George O. Baker, H. Waddell, Edward Atkinson, G. Daosi, A. de la Gandara, A. D. Lockwood, M. It. do Yasconcellos, E. Richardson.

No. 10. 26th December, 1876. PEODrci.—"Wool. Name, etc. —"W. S. Peter, Canterbury, New Zealand. For merino fleece wool, of very choice quality, good fibre, and staple. Henet Mitchell, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—Charles J. Ellis, John D. Lang, Thomas Bochner, junr., John L. Hayes, Carl Arubery, Elliott C. Cowdin, A. Behmer, John G. Neeser.

No. 11. 10th January, 1877. Peoduct. —"Wool. Name, etc. —Samuel Bealey, Canterbury, New Zealand. For second fleeces cross merinos ewe wool by Eomney Marsh, or Kent ram, of very choice quality and good weight Henet Mitchell, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges: —Charles J. Ellis, John D. Lang, Thomas Bochner, junr., John L. Hayes, Carl Arubery, Elliott C. Cowdin, A. Behmer, John G. Neeser.

No. 12. 26th December, 1876. Phodtjct.—Wool. Name, etc. —J. Cathcart Wason, Canterbury, New Zealand. For several fleeces of merino wether wool, and for Lincoln fleecea of good staple and quality. . Henet Mitchell, Signature of the Judge. Approval of Group Judges:—Charles J. Ellis, John D. Lang, Thomas Bochner, junr., John L. Hayes, Carl Arnbery, Elliott C. Cowdin, A. Behmer, John G. Neeser. 16.—H. 23.