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Enclosure No. 1.

Schedule of Contents of Report on New Zealand, forwarded to Sir Herbert Sandford, on 17tTi November, 1877, for incorporation with the Eeport of the Royal Commissioners to the Imperial Parliament, in reply to his letter of 20th July, 1876. List of Commissioners. Action taken by Comiiissionees. Descbiption of Xew Zealand Couet. Notes on the Colost in 1876. 1 General aud Geographical: — a. situation and Area. b. History. c. Native race. d. Vegetation. e. Agriculture. f. Animal Life. ff. Whaling. h. Fisheries. 2. Form of Government. 3. Climate. a. Nature and Observations. 6. Temperature. c. Rainfall. d. Pressure of Air. e. Winds. 4. Statistics. a. Census Results. >, b. Digest of Latest Statistics. 5. Geology and Mining. a. Geological Formation. b. Coal Mines. ". c. Gold Mines. d. Silver Ores. <?• Iron Ores. J. Chrome Ores. g. Copper Ores. k. Lead Ores. i. Zinc Ores. k. Manganese. I. Mineral Oils. in. Oil Shales. n. Graphite. o. Building Stones. p. Basalts and Diorites. q. Trachytes and Granites. r. Limestones. s. Sandstones. €. Produce and Industries. a. Paints, Dyes, and Barks. b. Wools c. Phormium. d. Grain. e. Timbers. * 7. Educational and Art. , a. Plans and Maps. . ' ' ! b. Classified Specimens. c. Photograhy. 8 Ethnological. a. Garments and Implements of the Maories.