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Estimated Gold. Cost Price. Locality. Weight. per ounce. Total Cost. Bemabks. £ s. d. £ s. d. Coromandel Grahamstown ... 106250 oh.... 103 ozs. 29 12 0 0 2 0 3 1 2 15 0 6 88 33 9 0 3 0 From the Union Beach Gold-mining Company, two specimens, marked A. & B. Prom Caledonian Mine, found 260ft. from the surface iu situ No. 5, reef composed oi alternate bands of sandstone and quartz reef, 5ft. thick. This reef runs nearly parallel to a reef which gave nearly £585,000 in division within two vears. Three specimens silver, 32 per cent. From the Cure Mine : same reef as Caledonian ; claim adjoins, and is at same level. Foui specimens, marked A. B. U. D.; silver 32 per cent. Specimen of auriferous conglomerate, containing 20 ozs. of gold per ton. j) — 85 ozs. 16 dwts 11 0 0 2 15 0 30 5 0 Tairua OTAGO GOLD. en d o 8 | 0Q Locality. Weight. Cost Price. Average Assay. (Decimally expressed), 9167 = British standard gold. 9 §- Re u auks. 6 to ID t M Dtp £ s. d. I. 1 Quecnstown —Moki Creek ... 10 0 3 15 6 Terrace Claim, tunnel work ; has paid £3 10s. per man per weel for past twelve months. Terrace Claim, tunnel work; at work for seven years, varyinj about £4 per man per week. Ground sluicing. 2 ,, Moonlight Creek... 10 0 3 15 6 3 ,, Branches of Upper Shotover ,, MoonlightCreek... „ Twelve-mile side of Lake Wakatipu Queenstown —Big Beach, Shotover 10 0 3 15 6 9175 alloy silver 216 4 5 10 0 10 0 3 15 3 15 6 6 )! >> >J J» 6 10 0 3 15 6 Ground sluicing claim. Worked by forty Cliinamen, the weekl; average yield being 25 ounces. Large sized nuggets ; characteristic of the yield of the district. II. 7 8 9 Arrowtowu Macetown CardroDa 7 0 12 10 0 0 17 12 2(3 11 3 15 3 6 7 6 1 9515 alloy silver 9540 „ 9000 „ 1-97 225 1-75 JI >> Jl !! !! >> » )) >! >' «