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Enclosure No. 3.


DEPAETMENT I. Minerals, Ores, Stone Mining Products. 1. Para Para Iron and Coal Company, Nelson — Class. a. Brown Haematite Ore .., ... ... ••• ... 100 b. Coal, from the Arjre Eiver ... •■« ... ... ... 101 c. Limestone, used as a Mux for Haematite Ore... ... ... ... 103 2. Johnstone Bros., Nelson— Haematite Iron Ore ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 3. Nelson Committee, Nelson — a. Iron, Plumbago, Galena, Zinc, Blende, Copper, Antimony, and Argentiferous Lead Ores ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 b. Coal, from Coalbrookdale, Mount Eochfort, and Beefton... ... ... 101 c. Marble, from Euataniwha, Golden Bay ... ... ... ... 102 d. Porcelain Clays, from Pakuwau and Buatanuka; Stealite, from Golden Gully, Collingwood ... ... ... ... ... ... 104 4. Louisson, T. 8., Nelson— Iron Ore, Calcined Iron Ore ... ... ... ... ... 100 5. Waehbourn, W. E., Nelson — Argentiferous Lead Ore ... ... ... ... ... 100 6. Taranaki Committee — a. Tiianic Iron Sand, Older Tertiary Marl, Trachyte Pebble, Trachyte with Crystals of Hornblende, Trachyte Cast, Hornblende Obsidian, Nephrite, Taranakite, Carnelian ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 b. Lignite, from TJrenui ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 c. Potter's Clay, from Urenui ... ... ... ... ... 104 7. Colonial Museum, "Wellington. James Hector, Director— a. Collection of Minerals, containing Magnetic Iron, Haematite, Chrome, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and Mauganese Ores b. Specimens, illustrating the classification of New Zealand Coals ; Petroleum, from Sugar Loaf Point, Waiapu, Waipawa ... ... ... ... 101 c. Marble, from Collingwood, Nelson ... ... ... ... 102 d. Stealite, from Para Para Valley, Nelson ... ... ... ... 104 8. Kennedy, Brothers, Nelson — a. Coal, from the Brunner Mine, and Coke manufactured from it ... ... 101 b. Eaw and Ground Fire Clay ... ... ... ... ... 104 9. Albion Coal Company, Nelson— a. Coal, from Ngakawau ... ... ... ... ... 101 10. Eeid, Alexander W., Canterbury — Coal, from Kowai Pass ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 11. Oakden, J. J., Canterbury— Anthracite Coal, from Lake Coleridge ... ... ... ... 101 12. Eowley, Wilson, and Co., Otago— Coal, from Shag Point, Palmerston ... ... ... ... ... 101 13. Boss, A., Poverty Bay, Auckland— Petroleum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 14. Wilson, W., Christehurch— Hewn White and Yellow Limestone ... ... ... ... 102 Metalurgical Products. 15. New Zealand Commissioners — Specimens of Alluvial Gold and Gold-bearing Quartz, from Auckland, Westland, and Otago, collected by the Bank of New Zealand ... ... ... 110 16. Government of Now Zealand — Specimens of Alluvial Gold, from Nelson and Westland; and of Auriferous Quartz, from the West Coast; Specimens of Alluvial Gold, from Otago ; Bars of Melted and Eefined Gold ; Bars of Chloride of Silver, and Silver; Model, representing Gold exported from New Zealand, 1862-75... ... ... ... 110-