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12 tli February, 1876. 341. Mr. Bothamley, San Francisco, to Dr. Hector, acknowledging receipt of letter, and as to goods being sent by Panama, and that he will be at New York on 3rd March, where he will wait for goods, and as to cases, and asking for an increase of allowance to £2 2s. per day on account of the cost of living. 10th February, 1876. 342. Telegram from Mr. B. W. Forbes to Mr. Bothamley, Philadelphia, asking for statement of each package of New Zealand goods, and as to payment of transport charges. 343. From Mr. E. W. Forbes, New York/on the above subject. 12th March, 1876. 344. To Mr. E. W. Forbes, New York, requesting him to pay expenses, and sending list of exhibits. 11th March, 1876. 345. From Mr. E. "W. Forbes, stating regulations about prepayment of transport expenses. 13th March, 1876. 346. To Mr. Forbes relative to the above subject. 12th March, 1876. 347. The Superintendent of the Pacific Mail Steam Shipping Company, New York, to Mr. Bothamley, giving particulars of rail and wharf charges on goods. ~ 12th March, 1876. 348. To the Superintendent of the Pacific Mail Steam Shipping Company, New York, referring him to Mr. E. W. Forbes for payment, and stating that he cannot give details. 13th March, 1876. 349 Telegram from Mr. Forbes, New York, acknowledging letter, and stating he will commence shipping goods. 16th March, 1876. 350. Colonel Sandford to Mr. Bothamley, enclosing telegram received from Dr. Hector, London, that New Zealand Catalogue is completed, and as to funds available at Philadelphia, and that Mr. Bothamley's increase of allowance is approved. 17th March, 1876. 351. Colonel Sandford to Mr. Bothamley, enclosing extract from telegram, stating that Dr. Hector will bring the gold case for New Zealand. Court. 16th March, 1876. 352. Mr Forbes, New York, to Mr Bothamley, stating that the entire set of New Zealand goods bave been delivered to the care of the Pennsylvania Eailway Company the previous day. 22nd March, 1876. 353. Colonel Sandford to Mr. Bothamley, enclosing extract from telegram, stating that Dr. Hector sails on 12th April, and that he has sent Mr. Bothamley New Zealand Catalogue. 29th March, 1876. 354. Colonel Sandford to Mr. Bothamley, enclosing extract from telegram, stating that Dr. Hector sends only show cases for gold specimens, and is about to ask for loan of wood specimens from Kew. Bth March, 1876. 355. Dr. Hector, London, to Mr. Bothamley, advising him as to Catalogue and plan of arrangement of the New Zealand Court, and giving a list of exhibits. 20th March, 1876. 356. Telegram from Mr. Forbes, New York, stating that New Zealand goods will arrive at Philadelphia that day, and that bills and vouchers will be forwarded. 24th March, 1876. 357. To Dr. Hector, London, acknowledging letter of Bth instant, referring to woods, books and wall spaces for maps, and giving sketch plans of court, and that the goods came on the ground the previous day, a delay having occurred; and stating particulars of office accommodation, and aa to funds and glass for cases. 29th March, 1876. 358. To Dr. Hector, stating that no letters had been received as to the goods, and asking about books. 20th March, 1876. 359. Dr. Hector to Mr. Bothamley, advising him as te the sending of catalogues, and that all goods had been shipped.