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4th May, 1876. 266. From the Special Commissioner, reporting receipt of Mr. Bothamley's report. 11th May, 1876. 267. From the Special Commissioner, sending newspaper accounts of the opening of the and reporting that the New Zealand Court was in fair order, although some of the show cases had not been delivered. 15th May, 1876. 268. From the Special Commissioner, reporting visit to Washington, to obtain loans of additional specimens for New Zealand Court from the Smithsonian Institute, and that his request had been cordially responded to. 16th May, 1876. 269. From the Special Commissioner, regarding insuring exhibits against fire, and enclosing letters thereupon. A 25th May, 1876. 270. From the Special Commissioner, reporting that the Secretary, Mr. Bothamley, had left for England, and that he had closed accounts with him, and expressing his satisfaction with the performance of his duties. 271. From the Special Commissioner, enclosing letters from Professor Baird, regarding exchange of gold specimens for United States National Museum. , 9th June, 1876. . 272. From the Special Commissioner, sending statement of accounts to date, and duplicate vouchers 1 to 10, and an estimate for future liabilities, and that the funds in hand will be sufficient, with the sale of gold specimens, to meet expenditure up to the close of the Exhibition. 10th June, 1876. 273. From the Special Commissioner, regarding Mr. Love's gas invention. 274. From the Special Commissioner, stating that the Court was completely arranged, and judges making examinations. 17th June, 1876. 275. Telegram from the Special Commissioner, stating he had found mistake alluded to in No. 263. 6th June, 1876. 276. From the Special Commissioner, giving Eeport and description of New Zealand Court. 277. To the Special Commissioner, acknowledging letters and telegrams. 27th July, 1876. 278. From the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, stating authority was given to Dr. ..Hector to exchange gold specimens, and enclosing a copy of letter to him thereupon. 28th July, 1876. 279. To the Special Commissioner, acknowledging various communications. 29th July, 1876. 280. To Mr. John Anderson, on board " City of New York," enclosing a letter of introduction to the Special Commissioner. 28th June, 1876. 281. From the Special Commissioner, stating that Mr. Black, upon enquiry, is of opinion that Mr. Love's gas purifier should not be exhibited, and had therefore been retained by him in his own charge. 7th July, 1876. 282. From the Special Commissioner, stating that six cases of books had been received for transmission to the General Assembly Library, Wellington, presented by the United States Government, through the Smithsonian Institute, and also that future publications of the same will be continued. A list of books enclosed. 12th August, 1876. 283. To the Chairman of the Printing Library Committee, enclosing letter from Dr. Hector, Telative to presents of books by the United States Government. 10th July, 1876. 284. From the Special Commissioner, New York, forwarding duplicate vouchers 41-54 (except 48 and 53) and a schedule showing balance, and stating that he had appointed Mr. E. J. Webb, the Commissioner for the Bahamas, to be agent in charge of the New Zealand Exhibits, and that he was just starting on return to New Zealand, and was engaged in arranging with Mr. R. W. Cameron, for future shipment of all goods addressed to the Commissioners, direct to New Zealand. 23rd June, 1876. 285. From Mr. Gilmour, Christchurch, as to disposal of exhibits. 25th August, 1876. 286. To Mr. Edward Webb, agent, Philadelphia, referring to disposal of Mr. Gilmour's exhibits. 257. To Mr. Gilmour, Christchurch, stating that a copy of his letter had been forwarded to Mr. Webb. 20th July, 1876. 288. From Colonel Sandford, Philadelphia, asking the Special Commissioner for report, with reference to New Zealand, for the British Commissioners. 6.—H. 23.