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53. To the Deputy-Superintendent of Westland, informing him that letters and telegrams received by the Chairman of Commission, free of charge. Ist September, 1875. 54. Circular to the Chairman of Committees, in Auckland, Westland, Taranaki, Canterbury, and Nelson, stating that freight of exhibits will be payable at Wellington. 55. Circular sent to Messrs. Levin and Co., agents for Union Steam Shipping Company, and to Messrs. Turnbull and Co., and to W. Bishop, agent for McMeckan and Co., requesting modification of freight charges for Exhibition exhibits. 50. Circular sent to the Chairmen of Committees of Auckland, Wellington, Taranaki, Marlborough, Nelson, Canterbury, intimating the steps taken by Government to secure Dr. Hector's services at Philadelphia. 57. From Mr. Morris, Oamaru, saying that he would like to send a saddle for exhibition. 58. To Mr. Morris, accepting the offer of a saddle. 3rd September, 1875. 59. From Mr. W. Bishop, Wellington, agent for Messrs. McMeckan and Co., stating that they will be willing to carry goods at reduced rates. 11th September, 1875. GO. To the Agent for Messrs. Meckati and Co., Wellington, thanking him for concession. 2nd September, 1875. Gl. From the Manager of the N.Z.S.S. Co., Wellington, stating that the Company will cany goods free, if not held responsible for safe delivery. 11th September, 1875. G2. To the Manager of the N.Z.S.S. Co., thanking him for the very liberal concession. 7th September, 1875. 63. From W. and G-. Turnbull and Co., stating that their steamers will carry goods free. 20th September, 1875. 64. To Messrs. Turnbull and Co., thanking them for their very liberal concession. 13th September, 1875. 65. From Levin and Co., Agents Union Steam Shipping Co, stating that they will carry goods free. 20th September, 1875. 06. To the Agents of Union Steam Shipping Co., thanking them for their liberal concession. 3rd September, 1875. 67. From the Chairman of the Marlborougli Committee, wishing the original wool regulations retained. 11th September, 1875. 68. To the Chairman of the Marlborough Committee, stating that special samples of wool will be received. 69. Circular to the Chairman of Committees of Auckland, Taranaki, Nelson, Marlborough, and Canterbury, stating N.Z.S.S. Co.'s liberal offer. 70. To the Deputy-Superintendent of Westland, requesting collections to be- sent by Messr?. M'Meckan's steamers. 20th September, 1875. 71. Circular to the Chairman of Committees of Auckland, Taranaki, Nelson, Marlborough, and Canterbury, stating that the Union Steam Shipping Co., will carry goods free of charge. 11th September, 1875. 72. To the Deputy Superintendent of Otago, urging the formation of a Local Committee. 20th September, 1875. 73. To his Honor the Superintendent of Otago, urging that a Committee be formed for collecting exhibits. 21st September, 1875. 74. To his Honor the Superintendent of Hawke's Bay, urging the formation of a Local Committee and sending regulations. 20th September, 1875. 75. To the Chairman of the Marlborough Committee, stating that £50 only could be placed at his disposal. 14th September, 1875. 76. To the Chairman of the Marlborough Committee, stating that the Chairman of Commission can receive letters free of charge. (Ans. to No. 47.) 20th September, 1875. 77. To the Hon. Sir Donald McLean, K.C.M.G., Native Minister, requesting the co-operation of the officers of the Native Department, with copies of regulations and means of forwarding specimens. 22nd September, 1875. 78. To the Hon. the Native Minister, with copies of regulations. 4.—H. 23.