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21st June, 1873. 21 His Houor the Superintendent of Wellington to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, stating that he had communicated with the Chamber of Commerce and euclosiug copy of letter received ""Enclosure in No. 21 stating probable expenses would be £250, and asking the limit as to quantities in individual specimens, and date of despatch of exhibits. 22 The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to his Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. Answer similar as in No. 20, and that the date of shipment is uncertain, but that goods should be forwarded as soon as possible. 25th June, 1875. 28 His Honor the Superintendent of Canterbury, to the Hon. Colonial Secretary. Telegram, stating' that Mr. Bird, of Chamber of Commerce, otters to ac; as secretary and receiver of exhibits to Committee, for £25, and asking for authority to accept this. _ 2k The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, to his Honor the Superintendent of Canterbury, lelegram, authorizing the same, if covered by estimate previously sent in. Oth July, 1875, "5 The Chairman of Canterbury Committee, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, stating the Committee had passed the following resolution,—as to quantities in exhibits to be limited to a maximum of wool, OOIbs.; grain, \-bushel; coal, SOlbs.; flax, oOlbs ; and asking as to purchasing collections. , m 20th July, 187u. 9G The Under Colonial Secretary, to Chairman of Canterbury Committee, acknowledging letter, and informing him that a Eoyal Commission had been appointed to carry out details 27 Letters from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Hon. W. B. D. Mantell, Hon. W. Gwborne, W. H. Levin, Esq., and D. Mclntyre, Esq., Consular Agent for the United States, transmitting to them the Eoyal Commission, appointing them Commissioners for ]Sew Zealand tor the Philadelphia Exhibition. Enclosures : Commissions alluded to. 22nd July, 1875. 28. Mr. Mclntyre to the lion, the Colonial Secretary, acknowledging same. 2o! Mr. Levin to the Hon. Colonial Secretary, acknowledging same. Ist April, 1877. 80 The Secretary of State for the Colonies to the officer administering the government of New Zealand. Circular, sending copies of the general regulations with summary concerning the Exhibition. Enclosure referred to.