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Supplementary Estimates are passed ; that the Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Levin, and Mr. Mclntyre be appointed a committee to report on the pictures which Mr. Eraser desires to send to the Exhibition. MEETING No. 17.—14th OCTOBEE, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Adjourned. MEETING No. IS.—2sth NOVEMBER, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Ma.ntell in the Chair. Ordered that the Chairman of the Canterbury Committee be informed that the sum of £100 for general expenses must not be exceeded, and that certain regulations will be relaxed in instances requested;. that the Chairman of the Nelson Committee be thanked for his suggestions as to maps and sections of coal districts, and that he bo requested to thank the owners of the Anchor line of steamers for their concession ; that the Chairman of the Canterbury Committee be ordered to send all accounts to the Chairman on ordinary voucher forms; that a circular be sent to all local committees as to date of sending exhibits, and that the Chairman of the Canterbury Committee be informed thereof by telegram. Ordered that letter No. 43 from the Colonial Secretary, with regard to the vote of funds and the method of rendering accounts, be acknowledged, and a request made for voucher forma. The Chairman urged the propriety of deciding without further delay the rate of remuneration for the services of the Secre-tary.-—Consideration postponed. The Chairman informed the Commission that doubt existed whether he might, by continuing to hold office, disqualify himself from resuming his seat in the Legislature and that he therefore proposed to forward his resignation to the Governor. MEETING No. 19.—1st NOVEMBER, 1875. A quorum not being present, the Commission adjourned. MEETING No. 20.—5tii NOVEMBER, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Manteel in the Chair. Resolved that, should the Chairman forward his resignation, the Government be ur<»ed not toadvise its acceptance unless on reference to the law-officers of the Crown and his apprehensions as to the effect of the Disqualification Act prove well founded. Ordered that a letter be written to the Chairman of the Philadelphia and Melbourne Exhibitions Commission at Sydney thanking them for information. The Chairman said he had accepted the offer of a collection of photographs from the Minister of Public Works. Resolved that the services of Mr. Bothamley be retained till 31st May, IS7G and rate of remuneration agreed to exclusivo of sea and railway fares. MEETING No. 21.—23in> NOVEMBER, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Ordered that the manager of the Bank of New Zealand be requested to meet Mr. Commissioner Mclntyre and the Secretary in order to make arrangements for taking delivery of gold specimens Besolved that when delivery of gold specimens has been made a voucher for £452 3s 5d be signed bv the Chairman in payment. Ordered that the Chairman of the Taranaki Committee be asked to°furnish detailed accounts. Accounts of the Christchurch Committee passed for payment. MEETING No. 22.—24m NOVEMBER, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Resolved that the Chairman of the Canterbury Committee be informed that the time for receiving -wool exhibits is extended to 31st December. MEETING No. 23.— 30m NOVEMBER, 1875. A quorum not being in attendance, the meeting adjourned. MEETING No. 24.—13th DECEMBER, 1875. A quorum not being in attendance, the meeting adjourned. MEETING No. 25.—29th DECEMBER, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Resolved that the duplicate block of Mount Rochfort coal be presented to the Colonial Museum as suggested. Account of the Taranaki Committee passed for payment. Ordered that a letter of thanks be written to Messrs Turnbull, agenta for the Pacific Mail Company, for offering to carry goods free. Resolved that the case of Haematite ore from Nelson be purchased; that the book of Dunedin photographs be returned, as no satisfactory arrangements can be made for its exhibition; that Mr. Black be furnished with a letter of introduction to Dr. Hector, as suggested by the Chairman of the Wellington Committee ; that the Colonial Secretary be requested to furnish the Secretary with a letter of introduction to the authorities of the Exhibition ; that the Colonial Secretary be requested to take steps for providing the Secretary with a letter of credit for £750 for current expenses in America. The Secretary informed the Commissioners that 30 cases were already packed, exclusive of wool and gold.