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No. VII.—SHIPPING. BRITISH AND FOREIGN VESSELS ENTERED AND CLEARED. RETURN of the Number, Tonnage, and Crews of Vessels Entered and Cleared at New Zealand Ports during the Year 1876.

No. VIII.—REVENUE. ABSTRACT of all Duties and Revenue collected by the Customs Department during the Year 1876.


Ente ED. With Cargoes. In Ballast. Totals. Nationality of Vessels. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Iritish 'oreign 799 59 343,982 45.755 13,192 1,798 .8 2 2,996 447 223 '9 817 61 346,978 13,415 46,202 1,817 Totals ... 858 389,737 .i4,99o 20 3,443 242 878 393,i8o 15,232 Clea Kl>. Iritish 'oreign 506 40 207,i°3 37> OI° I 8,744 i>529 307 13 141,411 7,810 4,l69 l6l 813 348,5H 53 I 44,820 12,913 1,690 Totals for 1876... 546 244,"3 ' 10,273 866 I 393,334 14,603 320 149,221 4,330

Heads of Receipr. Rate of Duty. Quantity. Amount Collected. Spirits „ New Zealand Cigars and Snuff Tobacco ... ,, sheepwash Wine Ale, Beer, &c. (in bottle) „ „ (in wood) Tea Coffee, Cocoa, &c. ... ,, roasted Sugar and Molasses Opium Goods by weight Ad valorem Other Duties not specified above ... 1 12s. per gallon... 6s. per gallon ... 5s. per lb. 2s. 6d. per lb. ... 3d. per lb. 4s. per gallon ... is. 3d. per gallon is. per gallon ... 6d. per lb. 3d. per lb. 5d. per lb. id. per lb. I 20s. per lb. ... I 614,239 gallons 29,983 gallons... 68,888 lbs. 991,448 lbs. 16,880 lbs. 191,295 gallons 344,736 gallons 72,880 gallons ... 3,0:50,160 lbs. ... 678,560 lbs. ... 1,920 lbs. 30,823,440 lbs. "2,810 lbs. £ 368,543 8,995 17,222 123,931 211 38,259 21,546 3,644 75,754 8,482 40 128,431 2,810 68,310 302,428 38,185 Rents, seizures, &c. Bonded Warehouse Duty Merchant Shipping Act—Fees Arms Act Lighthouse Dues Oyster Act Fees Gold Duty Pilotage, &c Distillation Other Receipts £1,206,791 64 5,338 .,240 2,194 11,096 14 30,969 18,970 598 1,251 Total Duties and Revenues ... £1,278,525 W. Seed, Secretary of Customs. Customs Department, 30th June, 1877.