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No. III.—IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. RETURN showing the Value of the Imports and Exports of the Colony of New Zealand from and to each under-mentioned Country, Colony, or Port during the Year 1876.


Country, Colony, or Port. Imports therefrom. Exports thereto. £ £ United Kingdom . 4,451,269 4,533,389 Australia:— Queensland ... 10,130 3,759 New South Wales 616,601 219,485 Victoria 1,169,734 *6 5 i,38i 66,757 South Australia 38,514 Western Australia 3,828 Tasmania 103,783 7,583 Pacific Islands : — Kermadec Islands 107 1,380 Norfolk Island 920 4,180 New Caledonia 1,634 6,212 Cook Islands 9,081 9,733 3,673 Society Islands 1,192 Fiji Islands ... 20,176 17,321 Tonga Islands 5,491 25,364 New Hebrides 272 Suwarrow Island 12 Navigator Islands 745 3,So6 Marquesas Islands 2,483 Maiden Island 126 Flint Island ... 1, 292 Penrhyn Island 75° 1,709 Marshall Island 605 1,078 Ladrone Islands 4,974 Guam 2,705 Caroline Islands 44o Savage Island o 2,494 Sandwich Islands i,7i9 2,232 Whale Fishery ... 8,252 i,854 North America:— British Columbia 225 Canada 1,310 United States of America :— 60,673 On the Atlantic 163.305 On the Pacific 28,982 8,158 South America: — Peru 2 Chili 151 28,623 China ... 66,709 New Guinea 152 India:— Bengal 25,789 55 Madras 5 120 Mauritius iS5,74o 3,032 France 10,765 Germany 2,784 Norway 2,130 Holland 1 Totals ... 6,905,171 5,673,465 * This includes gold of the value of £470,262.