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No. 49. Mr. Geat to Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Gentlemen,— General Post Office, Wellington, Ist September, 1877. I am directed to inform you that the amounts of £1,250 and £287 10s. were lodged to your credit at the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, on the 29th and 31st ultimo respectively, the former amount being subsidy for the last downward trip of the s.s. " Australia," and the latter the balance of subsidy for the downward trip of the s.s. " City of New York," referred to in my communication of the 21st ultimo. I have, &c, W. Geat, Messrs. Gilchrist,'Watt, and Co., Sydney. Secretary.

No. 50. Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., to the Hon. the Postmasteb-Geneeal, Wellington. Sie, — Sydney, 19th September, 1877. We have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Ist instant advising us of the payments of the amounts of £1,250 and £257 10s. to our credit, and to state that these amounts have been duly credited to us by the Bank of New Zealand. We have, &c, Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., General Agents for the Contractors, San Francisco Mail Service. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington.

No. 51. Mr, G-eat to Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 10th September, 1877. I have the honor to inform you that tho sum of £1,250, being the amount of subsidy for the last outward trip of the s.s. "Zealandia," was lodged to your credit with the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, on the 6th instant. I have, &c, W. Geat, Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Secretary.

No. 52. Mr. Geat to Messrs. Gilcheist, "Watt, and Co., Sydney. Sie,— G-eneral Post Office, "Wellington, 21st September, 1877. I am directed to inform you that tho sum of £1,250, being the amount of subsidy for the last downward trip of the s.s. " City of New York," was lodged to your credit at; the Bank of New Zealand, "Wellington, on the 20th instant. I have, Ac, W. Ghat, Messrs. Grilchrist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Secretary.

By Authority: Geoe(JE Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77. Price Is. 3d.]