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Enclosure 2 in No. 14. Messrs. Fostee and Thomson to Messrs. Mackrell and Co. Office of Messrs. Foster and Thomson, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Deae Sths,— 69, Wall Street, New York, 4th" May, 1877. We enclose herewith copy letter received from Mr. Cunningham on 3rd instant. We advised him that sixty-days' drafts would be accepted, and since then are without advice from Mr. Cunningham. We expect to hear from him to-morrow. We have, &c, Messrs. Mackrell and Co., London. Foster and Thomson.

Enclosure 3 in No. 14. Mr. Cunningham to Messrs. Foster and Thomson. Dear Sies, — Boston, E. Milton, Ist May, 1877. I have to-day your favour of the 30th, conveying the information that you are authorized by the Colonial Government to accept my offer of £10,000 sterling in settlement of their claim against Mr. Paul S. Forbes and me as his sponsor, provided the payment be made immediately, and the settlement to be without prejudice to the claims of the Governments against Messrs. Hall and De Bussche. This negotiation has hitherto been carried on entirely in Sydney, and I am unprepared for the abrupt transfer to New York by any advices from my correspondent there. Merely as a matter of courtesy, I must telegraph to Sydney that the positive offer is now made here. By immediate payment, I suppose sixty days' draft on London (the usual sight) to be meant. I have, &c, Messrs. Foster and Thomson. Edward Cunningham. Cunningham settled. Get Colonial Governments to forward releases Forbes and Cunningham, and assignment De Bussche claim, to London forthwith. To Mackrell, London.

Enclosure 4 in No. 14. Messrs. Mackeell and Co. to the Hon. Sir J. Vogel. 21, Cannon Street, London, 18th May, 1877. Dear Sir Julius, — Mail Service. We sent Messrs. Foster and Thomson, as arranged between yourself and Mr. Forster yesterday, the following message:— " Release must be prepared here. Will give undertaking to get Postmaster's execution, or shall we cable for powers attorney to Agents-General ? Have you the bills ?" To which we have received the following reply : — " Cable for power. Bills remitted. Barings to deliver when release received Will you please arrange with Mr. Forster for sending to Sydney and to Wellington the message agreed upon yesterday, or as you may think fit to vary it." The message proposed to be sent is as follows : — " Cunningham settled. Let each Postmaster-General execute immediately power of attorney to Agent-General of his colony, authorizing execution of full release to Forbes and Cunningham, and assignment to them of claims on De Bussche. Advise when done." We have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand. John Mackbell and Co.

Enclosure 5 in No. 14. Messrs. Foestee and Yooel to the Seceetabt, Sydney. (Telegram.) 19th May, 1877. Cunningham settled. Let each Postmaster-General execute immediately power of attorney to AgentGeneral of his colony, authorizing execution of full release to Forbes and Cunningham, and assignment to them of claims on De Bussche. Advise when done. Advise New Zealand. W. Fosstee. The Secretary, Sydney. J. "Vogel.

Enclosure 6 in No. 14. Messrs. Mackrell and Co. to the Agent-Genebal. Deab Sir Julius, — 21, Cannon Street, London, 23rd May, 1877. We subjoin copy of a letter we have received from our agents in New York. We expect to bear daily that the bills are in the hands of Messrs. Barings, and we shall then know precisely the terms on which they are to be handed over. We presume the Governments will forward the powers when executed, as well as advise their execution. We have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand. John Mackrell and Co.