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Statement of Amounts received by New South Wales from Non-contracting Colonies, on account of Correspondence received and despatched by the San Francisco Mail Service to 31st December, 1876. 1874. £ s. d. £ s. d. Victoria ... ... ... ... ... 1,443 2 3 Queensland ... ... ... ... 531 18 8 Tasmania ... ... ... ... ... 118 13 1 South Australia, included in 1875 Western Australia ... ... ... ... 19 4 8 2,112 18 8 1875. Victoria ... ... ... ... ... 1,805 7 10 Queensland ... ... ... ... 578 18 3 Tasmania ... ... ... ... ... 139 18 10 South Australia ... ... ... ... 246 11 9 Western Australia ... ... ... ... 24 12 10 2,795 9 6 1876. Victoria ... ... ... ... ... 2,562 6 1 Queensland ... ... ... ... ... 748 7 3 Tasmania ... ... '... ... ... 190 18 5 South Australia ... ... ... ... 391 10 1 Western Australia ... ... ... ... 36 12 4 3,929 14 2 Total £8,838 2 4 One-half, New South Wales ... ... ... ... 4,419 1 2 One-half, New Zealand ... ... ... ... 4,419 1 2 N. Nightingale, General Post Office, Sydney, N.S.W., Bth June, 1877. Accountant.

The Govebnment of New Zealand Db. to the Goyebnment of New South Wales. 1875. £ s. d. March.—To costs counsel's opinion in re Hall and Forbes contract in August, 1874, £5 10s. ; one-half ... ... ... 215 0 Sept.— To costs re San Francisco Mail Service, £5 10s.; one-half ... 215 0 Not.— To amount paid Australasian Steam Navigation Company's cablegrams in connection with " Macgregor " bringing on mails for New Zealand and New South Wales from San Francisco; half cost .. ... ... ... 20 12 11 ~ To Gilchrist, Watt, and Co.: Cablegrams in connection with Pacific Mail Service; half cost... ... ... ... 20 0 2 „ To Australasian Steam Navigation Company's demurrage " City of Melbourne "at San Francisco, in March, 1875 ... 53 11 5 £99 14 6 N. Nightingale, General Post Office, Sydney, Bth June, 1877. Accountant.

No. 10. Mr. Eagae to the Undee Tbeasttbeb, New Zealand, Wellington. Sib,— The Treasury, New South Wales, 29th June, 1877. I have the honor, by desire of the Colonial Treasurer, to hand you, enclosed herewith, a Bank draft in favour of the Hon. the Treasurer of New Zealand for the sum of £1,489 14s. Id, This remittance is made at the instance of the Post Office authorities, and in payment of the share of your colony of postages received upon mail matter despatched via San Francisco, on behalf of non-contracting colonies, to 31st December, 1876. lam advised that the explanatory accounts have been already forwarded to New Zealand by our Post Office. I have, &c, The Under Treasurer, New Zealand, Wellington. G. Eagab.

No. 11. Mr. Gbay to the Undee Seceetaby, Treasury, Sydney. Sib,— General Post Office, Wellington, 18th July, 1877. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 29th ultimo, addressed to the Under Treasurer, enclosing a bank draft for the sum of £1,489 14s. Id., in payment of the