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instant, and received 21st instant, respecting the proposed modification of the San Francisco Mail Contract, and I am to request that you will be good enough to take immediate steps for carrying out the instructions contained in the latter part of the telegram. I have, &c, A. A. Jopp, Captain, R.E., Messrs. Mackrell and Co. Secretary. Mr. Forster has sent a copy of the telegram to Sir Julius Vogel.

Enclosure 5 in No. 2. Messrs. Mackeell and Co. to Mr. Fobstee. 21, Cannon Street, 24th April, 1877. Dear Sie, — New Postal Contract. On receipt of your letter enclosing copy telegram from your Government, we wrote the sureties asking whether they would join in a new bond for the performance of the substituted service. We will at once have prepared the necessary supplementary contract, but, to enable us to complete it, we shall require to know the number of hours within which the altered service is to be performed, and the new terms of payment. We assume that the new route is the lloute C, and that the number of hours within which the service is to be performed will be those stated in the conditions issued to the public two years ago. The telegram is silent as to the subsidy, but in yesterday's Times it is stated that £40,000 is to be paid by your Government, and the £32,500 by the Government of New Zealand. We have, &c, Mr. Forster. John Mackeell and Co.

Enclosure 6 in No. 2. Captain Jopp, E.E., to Messrs. Mackeell and Co. Gentlemen, — 3, Westminster Chambers, S.W., 24th April, 1877. With reference to yours of to-day respecting modifications in mail contract, will you be good enough to suggest to Mr. Forster the terms of a telegram to Sydney, asking for the additional information which you think is required in order to complete the necessary instrument? I have, &c, A. A. Jopp, R.E., Messrs. Mackrell and Co. Secretary.

Enclosure 7 in No. 2. Messrs. Mackbell and Co. to Mr. Fobstee. Deab Sib,— 21, Cannon Street, E.C., 24th April, 1877. On the other side we send you copy of a telegram which we suggest for your consideration you should send out. We have just received a telegram from the sureties assenting to the arrangement. We have, &c, Mr. Forster. John Mackeell and Co. " Are mails to be delivered within times mentioned in published conditions of 1875 for 11-knot service, Route C ? What payments to be made by each colony ? "The Agent-General for New South Wales."

Enclosure 8 in No. 2. Messrs. Mackbell and Co. to the Hon. Sir Julius Vogel. 21, Cannon Street, London, 24th April, 1877. Deab Sir Julius, — Be Old Postal Contracts. On the other side we send a copy of a letter we have to-day received from the Agent-General for New South Wales. We do not know to whom to apply for payment, as we understood the offer was made in the colony. If we should apply to Mr. Cunningham, who is in America, we will instruct our agent in New York. Should we do so by cable or by letter ? We have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand. John Mackbell and Co.

Enclosure 9 in No. 2. Captain Jopp, E.E., to Messrs. Mackbell and Co. Gentlemek,— 3, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, S.W., 24th April, 1877. The Agent-General has this morning received the following telegram, dated Sydney, 23rd instant, from the Chief Secretary:—