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No. 4. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 25th April, 1877. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 15th December, No. 188, referring to a proposed Conference of the Agents-General of the various Australasian Colonies on the subject of telegraph cable communication. I have to express my regret that through oversight a reply to this despatch has not been previously sent. About the date when it reached my hands, it came to my knowledge that a Conference of Ministers representing the various colonies was to be held on the subject at Sydney. Pending the Conference the Agents-General would not have been inclined to act. The results of the Conference, as shown by the official report, do not leave anything at present to be done by New Zealand in conjunction with the other colonies. Ido not therefore think it desirable to endeavour now to convene a Conference, but at some future time the permission you give me may he valuable. I have kept you fully aware of what I have done, and of my views concerning cable telegraphy. I have not yet communicated with the India Office, but I propose doing so in a few days. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, I have, &c, Wellington. Julius Vogel, Agent-General.

See No. 11, p. 7.

By Authority: Geoeqb Didsbttet, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77. Price Is. 6d.]