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2. In reply, I have to say that the latter was meant to be of a confidential character, and that its publication was a mistake. 3. The letter having however been published, I recognize that the responsibility devolves upon me of supporting by evidence the statements in the passages complained of, or of withdrawing them. 4. I am not in a position at present, so far as I am from the source of my information, to decide between these courses ; but immediately after my return to the colony I will either furnish the grounds upon which the statements were made, or I will explicitly withdraw those statements. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, &c. Julius Vogel.

Enclosure 4 in No. 47. Mr. W. R. Malcolm to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sic,— . Downing Street, 10th May, 1875. With reference to your letter of the Bth of April, respecting the charges made by you against Emigration Officers stationed at the out-ports of this country, I am directed by the Earl of Carnarvon to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the Board of Trade, to which department a copy of your letter was communicated. I have, Ac, Julius Vogel, Esq. W. R. Malcolm.

Sub-Enclosure. The Boaed of Tease to the Colonial Office. Emigration. Sic, — Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, 3rd May, 1875. I am directed by the Board of Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, forwarding the copy of a communication from Mr. Vogel respecting the charges made by him against the Emigration Officers at the out-ports, and in reply to state, for the Earl of Carnarvon's information, that the course Mr. Vogel proposes to take in the matter will be satisfactory to this Board. I have, &c., The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. J. F. Swanston.

Enclosure 5 in No. 47. The Hon. Sir J. Vogel to Lord Caenaevon. General Government Offices, Wellington, N.Z., My Loed,— April 7,1876. By a letter dated London, Bth April, 1875, I had the honor of informing your Lordship that on my return to New Zealand I would either furnish the grounds upon which certain statements referring to Imperial Emigration Officers had been made by me, as Minister for Immigration, in a letter dated November, 1873, and addressed to the Agent-General for this colony, or that I would explicitly withdraw those statements. 2. I have now the honor to state, for the information of your Lordship and of the Board of Trade, that, on applying to the officer upon whose authority I made the statements in question, I find not only that he is unable to supply evidence in proof of them, but that he asserts that I misunderstood the purport of what he said, and that he did not design to impute venality, in action or intention, to any Imperial officers. 3. I therefore retract, without qualification, the statements as to those officers made in my letter of November, 1873, which (as was stated in a previous communication) was only published through an oversight; and I shall feel indebted to your Lordship if you will, through the Board of Trade, cause to be conveyed to the officers affected the expression of my deep regret that I have been the means of giving them pain, and of reflecting on tho character of the very useful services they have rendered to the colony in years past. 4. As I have returned to the colony, this letter should have been forwarded to you through the Governor; but, as His Excellency is absent from Wellington, 1 feel that your Lordship will consider that I am justified in addressing you direct. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, &c. Julius Vogel.

By Authority : Gt-EOBcra Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB76. Price Is.]