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No. 15. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby. (No. 14.) My Lord, — Downing Street, Bth March, 1876. I referred, for the consideration of the Board of Trade, a copy of your Despatch No. 81, of the sth of November last, enclosing a representation from your Government urging the necessity of Imperial legislation to secure the safe stowage of gunpowder and other explosive materials on board merchant vessels, and I enclose a copy of the reply which I have received from that department. I have, &c, CAENAEVON. Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., &c. 5 &c.

Enclosure in No. 15. Mr. Geay to the Undee Seceetaey of State, Colonial Office. Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, 26th January, 1876. Sic, — Emigration. — Miscellaneous. I am directed by the Board of Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, transmitting, by direction of the Earl of Carnarvon, a copy of a despatch from the Governor of New Zealand, enclosing a representation from his Government urging the necessity of legislation to secure the safe stowage of gunpowder and other explosives on board merchant vessels, and, in reply, to state, for his Lordship's information, that the Board do not think that it would be advisable to introduce any legislative measure on this subject at the present time. I am to add that, as suggested by Mr. Harvey, the matter would appear to be one for the consideration of the underwriters. I have, <fee, The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Thomas Geay.

No. 16. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby. (No. 15.) My Lord, — Downing Street, Bth March, 1876. With reference to my Despatch No. 54, of the 7th of September last, informing you of the issue of an exequatur to Mr. W. Montgomery to enable him to act as Swedish and Norwegian Consul at Christchurch, I have the honor to state that it has been thought desirable, under the circumstances explained in the accompanying copy of a note from the Swedish Minister at this Court, to issue a fresh exequatur to Mr. Montgomery to act as Swedish and Norwegian Consul for the Middle and South Islands of New Zealand, to reside at Christchurch. I have to add that the fresh exequatur received Her Majesty's signature on the 2nd, and that the notification of Her Majesty's approval of the appointment appeared in the Gazette of the 3rd instant. I have, &c, CAENAEVON. Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., &c, &c.

Enclosure in No. 16. The Swedish Ministeb to the Foeeign Office. M. le Comte, — Londres, le 28 Janvier, 1876. Par suite dune erreur de Chancellerie, la patento delivroe a, M. W. Montgomery, comme Consul de Swede et Norwege a Christchurc-h, New Zealand, omettait de mentionner que l'lle Centrale (Middle Island), etait comprise dans le district oii le Gouvernement dv Eoi a entendu que cet employe exercerait ses fonctions. L'exequatur de S. M. Britannique ayant deja cite accorde aM. Montgomery, comme Consul a Christchurc-h, avec l'lle Meridionale comme district, il a semblo plus correct de lvi delivrer une nouvelle patente afin que, si besom en etait, celle-ci put etre soumise a l'approbation dv 2—A. 2.