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certain objections are pointed out to the Act passed in the last Session of the New Zealand Legislature, No. 25 of 1874, "to authorise the raising of Money for " Immigration and construction of Public Works." A copy of their Lordship's previous letter, respecting the application of moneys raised under the Imperial guarantee to the purposes specified in the New Zealand Act No. 49 of 1873, was forwarded to your predecessor in my Despatch No. 13, of the 3rd of May, 1874. As Sir Julius Vogel is now in Europe, I have caused copies of these papers to be forwarded to him, and have requested him to furnish me with his observations on the subject, and I shall forward to you hereafter a copy of his reply. I have, &c, CAENAEVON. Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., &c, &c.

Enclosure in No. 3. The Teeasuey to the Colonial Office. Sic,— Treasury Chambers, 26th May, 1875. I have laid before the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury your letter of the 2nd February last, with the copies of the two Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand enclosed —viz., 1. No. 25 of 1874, " An Act to authorize the raising of Money for Immigration and construction of Public " Works; " and No. 34 of 1874, "An Act to enable the Auckland Harbour Board to construct a " Dock and other Harbour Works, and to raise Money to defray the Cost thereof." With regard to No. 34, relative to the dock, &c, at Auckland, I am to state that, unless the Act in any way affects the loans guaranteed to the colony by the Imperial Government, which it does not appear to do, seeming to be in the nature of a private Act, my Lords have no observations to make upon the subject. With regard, however, to the Act, No. 25, for raising money for immigration, &c, &c, their Lordships would observe that some of the purposes specified in the Schedule, and covered by section 20, cannot, in their opinion, be deemed to come within the purposes for which the loan of £1,000,000 was guaranteed under the Act 33 and 34 Vict. cap. 40 ; and they request that the attention of the Secretary of State may be called to the letters from this department of the 27th April, 1874, and to the observations contained therein, with reference to the application of moneys raised under that guarantee to the purposes specified in the Colonial Act of 1873. The objections of this Board would, however, be removed by the section referred to being amended as follows: — " Any part of the loans respectively authorized to be raised under the Loan Act No. 1 and the " Loan Act No. 2, which is not guaranteed by the Imperial Government, may be applied to any of the " purposes to which is applicable the loan authorized by this Act to be raised ; but that portion of the " loan authorized to be raised under the Loan Act No. 1, which is guaranteed by the Imperial Govern- " ment, shall be applied only to tho purposes specified in the Act of the Imperial Legislature 33 and 34 " Vict. cap. 40." I have, &c, The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. E. E. W. Ltjbgen.

No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby. (No. 43.) My Lord, — Downing Street, 3rd July, 1875. With reference to my Despatch No. 42, of the 23rd of June, I transmit to you, for your information, a copy of a letter which I have received from Sir Julius Vogel in regard to the objections pointed out by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to the New Zealand Loan Acts, No. 49 of 1873, and No. 25 of 1874. I have forwarded a copy of Sir J. Vogel's letter for the consideration of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and I will transmit to you hereafter copies of any further correspondence which may pass on the subject. I have, &c, CAENAEVON. Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., &c., &c.