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Fob Details SEE Page ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. LIABILITIES OP 1873-74. CIVIL LIST. IS Second Division :— Native Purposes 764 5 4 PERMANENT CHARGES. 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Intebest and Sinking Fund : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-68 " " Public Debts Act, 1867 " " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... ••• • ••• "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " 12,750 0 0 40,336 O 0 5,355 0 0 133,593 0 0 18,317 10 1 67.086 18 O 53 4 3 277,401 12 4 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 Undee Acts of the Gexebal Assembly:— " Armitago Pension Act, 1865 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1S58-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867 " " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858 "... " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " " Military Pensions Act, 1866" ... ... ... " Ministerial Eesidenco Lease and Lowry Bay Sale Act, 1873 " " Native Schools Act, 1867 " ... " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858" " Sehafer, MeGuiiv, and Others Pension Act, 1872 " " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 "... 37 10 O 629 15 2 677 5 3 300 0 0 S3 6 8 100 0 0 31 10 O 60 10 0 506 6 5 324 O 0 1,785 18 4 75 0 0 183 6 8 7 10 O 50 O 0 4,851 18 6 APPROPRIATIONS. Reseeve Account 28,809 3 4 29 29 89 80 89 2!) 29 33 88 B8 88 88 88 ;;:; 88 88 88 88 :;:; 38 88 48 4:5 •17 45 51 Vote No. 1 :— Legislative ... Executive Stamp Printing Geological and Meteorological ... Electoral Secretary for Crown Lands Supreme Court District Courts Resident Magistrates'Courts Petty Sessions Courts ... Criminal Prosecutions... Justices of the Peace Act Coroners Lunatics Jurors Law and Justice Contingencies ... Land Transfer Department Deeds Registry Postal Telegraph Customs Marine Native Miscellaneous Public Buildings and Ministerial Residence 56 11 0 422 17 11 25 10 7 154 19 5 19 7 9 1,158 10 3 28 15 8 151 3 0 136 19 6 217 17 8 44 14 4 i 245 18 G 101 15 9 339 18 3 107 2 0 14 0 833 2 1 301 10 8 430 4 3 6,827 18 0 2,416 4 11 391 7 0 173 1 5 1,842 1 5 2,883 13 4 2,354 11 0 21,759 19 8 51 Payments to Peovinces 5,113 1 10 Total Liabilities of 1873-74 338,790 1 0 Carried forward 338,700 1 0