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Enclosure 2 in No. 2. The Crown Agents to the Secretary, New Zealand Government Agency. Sir,— Downing Street, 19th June, 187 G. We have heard with much regret, this morning, of the death of Dr. Featherston, and have to state that, in the exercise of the powers vested in us by the Government of New Zealand, we hope to appoint immediately a gentleman to succeed him temporarily as Agent-General for New Zealand. The routine business of the office should be conducted as usual; but in the meantime, should any matter of importance arise, in which a few days' delay might injuriously affect the interests of the colony, we request that we may be consulted as to the course to be pursued. We have, &c, P. G. Jtjlyan. Walter Kennaway, Esq. W. C. Sargeaunt.

Enclosure 3 in No. 2. The Ceown Agents to Sir W. T. Power. Sib,— Downing Street, 20th June, 1876. Eeferring to the interviews which have taken place between you and ourselves respecting the temporary appointment of Agent-General for New Zealand, in London, in succession to Isaac Earl Featherston, Esq., deceased, we have now the pleasure to enclose an instrument, which has been prepared by the Solicitor to the Colonial Government, appointing you to that office, until the pleasure of the Governor of New Zealand shall be made known. The salary attached to the appointment is £1,500 per annum, at which rate you will be entitled to receive pay from the date you take charge of the office, which we venture to hope you will find it possible to do immediately, as current liabilities cannot be met even for a single day without the signature of the Agent-General. We have, &c, P. G. JIJLYAN. Sir W. T. Power, K.C.B. W. C. Sargeaunt.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure 3 in No. 2. Appointment of Sir "W. T. Power. "We, the undersigned, Sir Penrose Goodchild Julyan, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and one of the Crown Agents for the Colonies ; and "William Charles Sargeaunt, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, and one of the Crown Agents for the Colonies, being two of the persons resident in Great Britain appointed by the Governor in Council of the Colony of New Zealand, under the authority of " The Public Revenues Act, 1875," of the Legislative Assembly of the said colony, to do in Great Britain, on behalf of the Governor, such things as the Governor is empowered to do under the third and fourth sections of the said Act, and being by virtue of such appointment empowered under the said Act, upon the death of the Agent-General of the said colony, to appoint some fit and proper person to that office, do hereby, in exercise of the powers and authorities now vested in us under or by virtue of our said appointment and of the said Act or either of them, appoint Sir "William Tyrone Power, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, of 25, Holland Park, London, in the County of Middlesex, to the office of Agent-General for the Colony of New Zealand, now vacant by the death of the late Isaac Earl Featherston, Esquire, to hold such office according and subject to the terms and provisions of the said Act. As witness our hands this twentieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. P. G. JIJLTAN. Downing Street, London. "W. C. Sargeatjnt.

Enclosure 4 in No. 2. Sir W. T. Power to the Ceown Agents. G-entlemen, — 20th June, 1876. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the appointment you have been good enough to make of myself as the Agent-General for New Zealand, under the powers conferred upon you under or by virtue of " The Public Revenues Act, 1875," of the Legislative Assembly of New Zealand, and to acknowledge that I have been appointed to and hold such office only until the pleasure of the Governor with reference to the person to fill such office shall be known, and upon the terms and subject to the provisions of the said Act. I have, &c, Sir Penrose G. Julyan, K.C.M.G, C.8., and W. Tyrone Powee.. William C. Sargeaunt, Esq., C.M.G.

Enclosure 5 in No. 2. The Cbown Agents to the Seceetaby, New Zealand Government Agency. Sib,— Downing Street, 20th June, 1876. "We have the honor to inform you, for the information of the Agent-General's Department, that we have, in exercise of the powers conferred upon us by " The Public Revenues Act, 1875,"