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No. 6. Mr. P. B. Botjltost to the Hon. J. Hall. Sib,— Christchurch, 31st July, 1876. As the enclosed report is of great importance to those interested in pastoral pursuits, I hope it may be carefully considered before the Cattle Committee's report is adopted. Flukes and rot of the liver (a colonial term for rot) is included in the Schedule of " The Diseased Cattle Act Amendment Act, 1873." After the warning contained in the report, it is madness to continue to import sheep from Victoria. A number of informations (43) have been laid against Mr. Moore ; but it is doubtful whether we can prove the sheep found in Mr. McFarlane's flock came off the Waikari Run. The Sheep Ordinance is very defective in not making it compulsory on an owner of scabby sheep to have them branded (the flocks) with a distinguishing brand. I have, &c, The Hon. John Hall. P. B. Boultoin\ There is no scarcity of good stud-stock in New Zealand, and of every description. I should not prohibit horses.

No. 7. Mr. P. B. Botjlton to the Hon. J. Hall. Sib, — Christchurch, 2nd August, 1876. Referring to my letter of the 31st ultimo, I find in the Australasian of the 15th instant that the Champion Show for merinos and long-woolled sheep will be held at Hamilton, in the district of that name. See " Victorian Report." I also find in the same paper that proceedings have been taken against a butcher in the District Police Court, Collingwood, for exposing for sale the carcases of thirtysix sheep unfit for human food, being in the last stage of rot —dropsical. This is a warning that should not be overlooked. Our Sheep Ordinance should include " scab " or other diseases of an infectious nature ; for in case of any other disease appearing, the Inspector would be without any authority to act. As yet, this country has been very free from diseases—scab escepted; but from over-stocking, wet seasons, and other causes, diseases of a malignant type may break out. I have, &c, The Hon. John Hall. P. B. Bottltost. By Authority: Geob&e Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB76. Price 6d.]