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any way satisfactory. He suggests that Patrick Peoples, a dairy-farmer, is a man who could give valuable evidence. He himself would, on his return, if wished to do so, be willing to ascertain the general feeling of the settlers, or consult the Cattle Board on the matter. The Local Cattle Board was not established until some time after the district was proscribed and the original disease had subsided. The Committee then adjourned.

Thttbsday, lOtii August, 1876. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Baigent, Mr. Rolleston, Mr. Cox, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Harper, Mr. Wason. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Caverhill, of Highfield, with reference to the Kaikoura cattle. Mr. Rolleston gave notice that he would move at the next meeting the following resolution : — That the Government be requested to take steps for the entire destruction of the cattle in the Kaikoura District, paying compensation for the same at per head; such compensation to be fixed by / valuation. The Chairman read report from Mr. Boulton, Chief Inspector of Sheep, Canterbury, on the importation of stock. (Vide Appendix.) The Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 15th August, 1876. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Pbesest: Mr. Baigent, Mr. Reid. Mr. Cox, Mr. Rolleston, Mr. Harper, Mr. Seymour. Mr. Murray, Mr. Rolleston's motion, of which notice was given at the previous meeting, being put, the Committee divided, — Ayes. ■ Noes. Mr. Harper, Mr. Baigent, Mr. Rolleston. Mr. Murray, Mr. Reid. jlotion negatived. 'Hie Committee agreed that the following rccommedations should be embodied in the Report:— The Committee is of opinion,— 1. That periodical reports should be furnished to the Colonial Secretary of the state of the health of the stock throughout the colony. 2. That no stock* should be landed from any foreign parts in any port of this colony where there is not a competent Inspector appointed to examine them. 3. That the Government should procure from the neighbouring colonies copies of the periodical reports of their Inspectors of Stock as soon as practicable after the publication of such reports. Cattle Boards to have printed copies furnished to them. 4. That the special attention of the Government be directed to the reports from Inspectors in the Colony of Victoria, of the month of July, 1876, containing information of the spread of " Fluke " in sheep, and should issue regulations for the prevention of the introduction of that disease. The Committee then adjourned.

Thuesday, 21st Septesibee, 187 G. The Committee met pursuant to notice. PkESENT: Mr. Baigent, Mr. Larnach, Mr. Harper, Mr. Rolleston, Hon. Sir D. McLean, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Murray, Mr. Wason. The Chairman informed the Committee of his reasons for summoning them, to draw up final Report. Memorial from Local Cattle Board at Kaikoura read by Chairman, and considered. (Vide Appendix.) Mr. Larnach moved, That it is desirable to remove the restriction at present existing, which prevents the removal of cattle from the Kaikoura District. The motion was negatived. A final Report was agreed to (Vide Eeport, p. 1) upon the question of Cattle Importation.