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2. That at such nomination the show of hands was in favour of Karaitiana Takamoana, and that a poll was demanded on behalf of the other candidates. 3. That a poll was accordingly held on the 15th day of January, 1876, at all the polling places mentioned in the General Government Gazette of 14th December, 1875, except Kawakawa. 4. That no returns have been received from Kawakawa, and I am informed and believe that no poll was held there, in consequence of the Deputy Eeturning Officer being prevented by the flooded state of the neighbourhood from arriving there; and lam informed and believe that a large number of electors were thus prevented from recording their votes. 5. That the aggregate number of votes recorded for the various candidates at the polling places, other than Kawakawa, were as follows : — Karaitiana Takamoana ... 401 Mita Hikairo ... ... 376 Kepa Eangipuawhe ... 373 Hotene Porourangi ... ... 145 (Signed) S. Locke.

Enclosure 2 in No. 1. Extract from Letter of J. H. Campbell, Esq., Deputy Eeturning Officer, Waiapu, to S. Locke, Esq., Napier. "It will be some time before I can get news from Kawakawa; but my son, who was going round to take the votes, after being nearly washed into the sea crossing a swollen stream, had to turn back. I forward the polling papers (Waiapu). "J. H. Campbell. " Waiapu, 20th January, 1876."

No. 2. S. Locke, Esq., Eeturning Officer, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. (Telegram.) Napier, 25th January, 1876. Through heavy floods on East Coast, election returns from North of Gisborne not arrived. Present state of poll: Karaitiana, 392 ; Hikairo, 376 ; Kepa, 375 ; Hotene, 98. Will inform you at once, on arrival of poll returns. S. Locke.


No. 4. S. Locke, Esq., Eeturning Officer, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. (Telegram.) Napier, 2Gth January, 1876. No poll was taken for Maori election at Kawakawa, East Coast. Would you kindly obtain opinion of Attorney-General, without delay, whether in this case the election is valid, and that I can declare state of the poll to-morrow ? S. Locke.

Polling Places. Cm ididates. Karaitiana Takamoana (Ngatikahunga) 38 27 77 127 11 17 32 17 Mita Hikairo ( Arawa). Kepa Eangipuawhe (Arawa). Hotene Porourangi (Ngatiporou). 1 1 Grey town ... Porangahau... Waipawa Napier Taupo Wairoa Mahia Gisborne Tolago Bay ... Tokomaru ... Waiapu Kawakawa ... TeKaha ... Opotiki Whakatane ... Matata-Taheke Maketu Ohinemutu-Tarawera... 1 22 1 37 27 12 48 16 G 25 No poll. 44 64 77 95 52 43 4 5 i i 105 14 34 59 124 30 Total 401 376 373 145