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I trust that a suitable vessel for sea-cruising may shortly be procured, in order that the practical duties of seamen may be more efficiently taught. A sufficiency of good, wholesome food has been provided. The cost of the ration, which includes fuel, lights, and soap, amounts to 6£d. per head per diem. Donations of various sorts to the school have been numerous; amongst which I may specially mention a box of books sent from England by Lady Martin and Miss Tonge, and one from the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, for which we are indebted to the good offices of his Lordship the Bishop of Auckland. The improvements and additions made last January have very much increased the efficiency of the school and the comfort of the inmates. Three boys have been apprenticed to the sea, and the report in each case is satisfactory. More are sufficiently advanced to go as opportunity offers. There are also several ready to be apprenticed to shore trades. I have, &c, &. E. Bbeton, The Secretary of Customs (Marine Branch), Wellington. Manager.

A. —TABLE showing the Educational State of Boys.

B. —TABLE showing the Visits of Clergymen for Divine Service and Religious Instruction from 1st July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876.

C.—LIST of Articles Manufactured and Work done in the School from 1st July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876, with estimated Cost of Labour.

D.—Return showing Admission and Discharges from 1st July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876.

Re: id. Write. Oil )her. Particulars. Well. -o a a Z Not. Total. Well. 1 1 -a a i—t 10 Not. Total. 1 Well. 1 1 a a I— t 9 Not. Total. Remaining on 30th June, 1875 admitted during year ending 30th June, 1876 ... teturned Absconders Total ... I 13 8 21 8 18 2 28 14 35 25 51 - i 39 | 88 1 8 7 | 80 8 ! 88 9 10 16 1 27 16 34 1 51 35 51 2 88 12 12 19 1 29 14 32 1 47 M 51 2 88 •iseharged during year ending 30th June, 1876 ... Remaining on 30th June, 1876 I 3 25 4 48 3 17 4 47 1 16 8 80 2 12 4 59 2 9 8 BO Total ... 28 52 20 51 17 88 14 63 11 88

Church of England. Roman Catholic. 36 9 And 36 visits by Mr. George Cutta.

Articles. Quantity. Rate. £ s. d. Articles. Quantity. Kate. £ b. d. s. d. 1 10 1 0 1 0 1 51 1 0 1 0 0 71 0 1 0 2 8. d. .rowsers, sergo drill „ oilskin Crocks, serge umpere, drill ,, oilskin i'lannels .'ovvcls Juilts 124 61 34 101 65 36 116 90 100 11 7 4 3 10 1 14 0 7 7 31 3 5 0 1 16 0 3 12 6 0 7 6 0 16 8 Brought forward Silk neckerchiefs ... Pillow cases Fencing round tree Fencing erected Fitting oars Stand for grindstone Hand-barrow 94 34 1 11 chains 12 1 2 0 2 0 3 5 0 6 0 0 6 5 0 5 0 33 7 31 0 15 2 0 8 6 0 5 0 3 6 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 Carried forward ... 33 7 31 Total ... 39 2 111

Admissions. Numbers. Dischargee. Numbers. lommittals 'ransferred from Industrial Schools 'emaining on 30th June, 1875 ... ieturned Abseonders 50 1 35 2 ! Apprenticed Time expired i Physically unfit ... :| To relatives a 8 J 1 i1 Keiuaiuin on the 30tli June. 1876—80.