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Target Ranges. —The target ranges have been kept in good order throughout the district. Issuers and Sub-Storekeepers. —Foot-constable Mayhew, lately transferred from the depot, acts as sub-storekeeper. Stockades and Redoubts. —The palisading round the Galatea Redoubt, which I reported last year as in the course of erection, is now finished. Civil Duties. Steps taken for the Prevention of Crime. —At Opotiki, 1 constable has been constantly employed on police duties, and receiving assistance from other members of the Force when required. First-class Sergeant Mason acts as clerk of the Resident Magistrate's Court, and a constable attends on all Court days. One non-commissioned officer was employed in collecting agricultural statistics from the 10th to the 22nd of February. A Native named Himiona Rua was arrested by Sub-Inspector Preece for the murder of Tukino te Marai near Te Teko. A good deal of difficulty had to be overcome by that officer before the TJrewera would give him up, and I think that his success lay in his showing great firmness. Public and Useful Woeks. Road Work. —The following is the amount of road work performed by the Armed Constabulary in this district: — On the Te Teko and Galatea Road, 2,895 cubic yards of earth have been removed, side cutting, and 51 chains formation, 20 feet wide. On the Te Teko and Matata Road, maintenance and repair. On the Whakatane and Te Teko Road, 214 cubic yards of earth, filling in approaches to bridges, 122 cubic yards excavation, two men twenty days each assisting Public Works bridge carpenter. On Whakatane-Oropi Road, 69. yards rock excavation and. 30 yards of earth filling. On the Whakatane and Matata Road, 41 chains of clearing. On the Opotiki and Ormond Road, 196 chains of side cutting, containing 8,184 cubic yards, 261 chains of bush clearing, 32 miles of maintenance, 45| chains stripping rock, 40 cubic yards block cutting, and 5^ chains formation. Building Bridges and Culverts. —Three bridges have been built on the Te Teko and Whakatane Road; two bridges on Te Teko and Galatea Road have been temporarily repaired; one culvert on the Whakatane and Oropi Road has been built 18 feet long and 2\ feet deep. Building Houses and Stables. —At Opotiki, the officers' quarters which I mentioned in my last annual report as in the course of erection, are finished, also fenced and paled. Another building has been erected in Government paddock, measurement of. which is 46 feet by 16 feet, walls 12 feet high, with a verandah 5 feet 9 inches wide and 9 feet high; the building is divided into 4 rooms, viz. district office, surgery, sergeant-major's quarters, and library. There is also a lean-to at the back of building, which is used as a store-room. Barracks and Government store shingled, the iron roofing which they had before not being weather-proof. At Whakatane, a building is in course of erection which will be finished very shortly, measurement of which is 30 feet by 16 feet, with verandah in front and ends 6 feet wide. At Galatea, the officers' quarters which I reported last year as in course of erection are finished, and the dimensions are 36 feet by 16 feet, divided into three rooms; a kitchen has also been added, 9 feet by 12. Cook-house, and sergeants' quarters have been thoroughly repaired, old chimneys pulled down and new ones built; temporary stables have been erected. At Te Teko, a stable, 36 feet long and 14 feet wide, is in the course of erection, and will be shortly finished. Fencing Paddocks and laying down in Grass. —At Opotiki, 400 posts and same number of rails have been split to fence in Government paddock, a part of which has been ploughed up and laid down in grass. At Whakatane, 16 chains of new fencing have been erected and grass sown. At Te Teko, 7^chains of post-and-rail fencing, with 3 feet bank and ditch; 2| chains of paling have also been put up. The fencing round the Government paddock has been kept in repair. At Galatea, 16 chains of post-and-rail fencing with a 3-foot bank and ditch, 4 chains of paling fence enclosing officers' quarters, 8 chains of manuka stick fence to enclose sergeants' quarters, cook-house, and garden. Eight acres of heavy manuka and flax land have been cleared and ploughed, 6 laid down in grass, and 2 in green oats, feed for troop horses during the winter. Sixteen acres of grass were destroyed by the late heavy floods. Carrots were sown at each station for use of Government horses. Timber Sawn, Sfc. —At Opotiki, 1,400 feet of timber cut and 15,300 shingles split. At Te Teko, one man employed sawing bridge timber with Public Works sawyer ; and an average of three other men has been employed rolling logs on pit, and splitting posts, rails, and shingles. At Galatea, 13,456 feet of timber sawn for building bridges (Te Teko and Galatea Road), barracks, and officers' quarters; 300 palisading posts, 100 palings, 900 rails, 650 posts, 1,200 shingles, and 230 slabs have been cut. Some of the bridge timber has been carted to the different bridges on the above-mentioned road. Planting Trees. —Trees were planted all round the Government paddock at Opotiki; but owing to the late floods having destroyed the fence, cattle got in and destroyed a great number; but now that a new fence is being put up, fresh trees will be planted during the winter. The trees which I mentioned in my last annual report as having been planted by Captain Preece on the Te Teko and Galatea Road, are doing well. There is also a large nursery of different sorts of pines and Tasmanian gums at Te Teko; these are coming on well. Trees have also been planted at Galatea and Whakatane. Remaeks. I beg to report favourably of the Force under my command during the last twelve months. I would wish more especially to bring Sub-Inspector Bluett under your notice, for the zealous way which he has pushed on the work on the Opotiki and Ormond Road. One man has been employed packing tools, &c, to Ormond Road party. The Public Works bullocks and dray were transferred to Tauranga during the present month.