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This material has been used in fencing in with post and 4-rail fence a paddock of over 7 acres. Under this head might also be included the garden, which had to be fenced in and tended by the constables, there being no means of obtaining vegetables by any other source. Miscellaneous. —At Waihi, 100 cords of firewood were cut by the Force at that station ; and at Opunake, 25 cords ; and numerous necessary repairs haye been executed at the various stations. Remaees. During the past year Native matters in this district have remained quiet, and beyond the Native land-trespass case at Waitotara, no disagreement between the races has occurred. At the time the Natives concerned in the above case were examined at the Resident Magistrate's Court, at Carlyle, I thought it advisable to augment the police force at Patea ; consequently I removed the road party (11 in number) to Patea on temporary transfer, Sub-Inspector Kenny, from Waihi, accompanying the detachment. From the Bth to 14th April, a guard of 1 non-commissioned officer and 3 constables mounted daily over the Maori prisoners committed for trial at Supreme Court holden at Whanganui. I can speak most favourably of tho general conduct of the Force under my command for the past twelve months, and I may add that at the various Armed Constabulary stations the men seem to have shown a desire to please their immediate superior officers. The road party was for a time, at the request of the Engineer in charge West Coast, without the supervision of a non-commissioned officer, but as this arrangement was not found to work well, I placed Sergeant Fortescue in charge. During the past year, 7 constables in this district obtained their discharges at their own request, 2 were dismissed for misconduct, and 7 transferred to other districts. I have, Ac, H. F. Tuenee, Inspector A.C, Commanding Whanganui and Patea District. The Commissioner Armed Constabulary Force, Wellington.

Enclosure 10 in No. 1. Captain Stack, Wellington, to the Commissioneb, Armed Constabulary Force. Sic, — Armed Constabulary Depot, Wellington, 31st May, 1876. In accordance with regulations, I have the honor to forward you the following report on the Armed Constabulary Depot for the year 1875-76, covering the Annual Musketry Return ofthe Force: — Militaey Duties. Average Strength. —The average strength of the depot during the year was 55, of all ranks. Drills and Parades. —With the exception of an interval of about ten weeks, when all the men were employed in forming the Polhill's Gully Rifle Range, under the direction of an officer of the Public Works Department, three parades with drill have taken place on all working days, except Saturdays, when there have been two ; and parade in marching order once a week for your inspection, or that of the Acting Commissioner, during your absence from New Zealand. Escorts and Guards. —The piquet posted at Government House gate was, on the 15th of July last replaced by a guard of one sergeant and three constables, which mounted daily till His Excellency left Wellington on the 15th February. A look-out piquet has been maintained on the magazine as heretofore, when there were not a sufficient number of men here to allow of mounting a regular guard. Mounted escorts attended His Excellency the Governor on the occasions of his opening and proroguing the General Assembly, and on the latter occasion a guard of honor of Armed Constabulary received His Excellency at the entrance to the Legislative Council Chamber. Escorts on prisoners remanded from one jurisdiction to another have been furnished from the depot as required. CrviL Duties. During the Session of the General Assembly, constables were, as usual, placed at the disposal of the Hon. the Speaker of the House of Representatives for maintenance of order in the galleries of the House, and also during the sittings of the Court of Appeal orderlies have been told off for their Honors the Judges of the Supreme Court. In consequence of the presence in Wellington of an efficient body of provincial police, the men of the Armed Constabulary stationed at the depot for drill and instruction are rarely called upon to act in the capacity of constables, nevertheless some arrests have been made, and convictions against the offenders obtained in all cases. Public and Useful Woeks. Men not on duty or special employment have been always occupied between the hours of drill in cleaning and repairing barracks, gravelling parade ground, forming roads, and putting up fences on the Government property at Mount Cook. Fatigue parties have been furnished constantly to other departments, notably lately on the removal of the Treasury and Audit from the old Government Buildings to the new. All men available turned out with the barrack fire-engine on nine several occasions of fire during the past year, and particularly at the serious fire which commenced in Messrs. Turnbull's store on the 25th March, and did excellent service, as was acknowledged by the public and the Press of Wellington, and were, with the sanction of the Hon. the Native Minister, handsomely remunerated by the firm mentioned, and by others who were or might have been sufferers had the fire not been subdued. Agricultural statistics were collected by a sergeant of the Armed Constabulary, under the directions of the Superintendent-Collector. Target Ranges. —The old Adelaide range may now be said to be no longer available for practice. Alterations are in progress on the Polhill's Gully range, already referred to, which, when properly completed, will be of great advantage.