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cases have been since reported, the Local Board have no reason for supposing the diseaso to have spread. Several cases have, however, been found to exist on the Karaka, just outside the boundary of the district; and the danger to our population is as great from this source as if the disease had spread within our own boundaries. Owing to the want of funds, no sanitary precautions could bo instituted by the Board; but in cases where the inhabitants were living near the infected house, in the borough, they have been instructed as to the best means of warding off a visitation of the disease. In other respects the district is healthy. The general cleanliness of the district would be much improved by the substitution of earthclosets for the present system of cesspits, as, after heavy rains, the offensive matter is washed into the water-tables, and is likely to disseminate any infectious disease which might be prevalent at the time. In other respects our sanitary condition is good, the dwellings as a rule being detached, thus allowing the air to circulate freely. By order of the Board. Eobeet Mitchell, The Central Board of Health, Auckland. Secretary.

HAWSE'S BAY. No. 2. The Chaieman, Central Board of Health, Hawke's Bay, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic— Board of Health Office, Napier, 16th May, 1876. In compliance with section 15 of " The Public Health Act, 1872," I have the honor to report that there has been no unusual sickness in this province during the past year. There has been no occasion for any meeting of the Central Board of Health, and no report has been received from tho Local Board of Health. I have, &c, J. D. Oemonb, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chairman, Central Board of Health.

TARANAKI. No. 3. The Chaibman, Central Board of Health, Tarauaki, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic,— New Plymouth, 19th May, 1876. I have the honor to forward herewith the report on the sanitary condition of the Province of Taranaki, as required by section 15 of" The Public Health Act, 1872." I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Feed. A. Caeeington.

Enclosure in No. 3. Sib,— New Plymouth, 16th May, 1876. 1 have the honor to report, for your information, that the health of New Plymouth and neighbourhood was never in a more satisfactory state than at the present time. There is almost and absolutely no disease at all; and this I have also on the testimony of other medical men ofthe place. The general health has been very good during tho whole of the summer, with the exception of several sporadic cases of typhoid fever, but little fatal, almost entirely confined to newly-arrived immigrants. These, as far as possible, have been isolated in the barracks, the hospital, fever-house, and detached country districts ; and in no instance has the disease spread farther. I believe the cleanliness and general healthy condition of the town are satisfactory. Where any objectionable conditions have been observed, they have been reported to the Board of Health and remedied. I have, &c, The Chairman of the Board of Health. T. E. Eawson, M.D.

MAELBOEOUGH. No. 4 The Ciiaibsian, Central Board of Health, Marlborough, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic,— Blenheim, 15th May, 1876. In reply to Mr. Cooper's telegram 354, of the 13th instant, I have the honor to inform you that since the date of my letter of the sth November, 1874, no further action has been taken under " The Public Health Act, 1872." I am, however, able to report favourably of the general sanitary state of the province. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. A. P. Setmoitb.