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RETURN of Cases disposed of in the Resident Magistrate's and Warden's Courts during the Year, as follows :—

THE Revenue for the twelve months, amounting to £26,844 3s. 8d., is made up as under:—

RETURN of Miners' Rights, Licenses, and Registrations issued by the Receivers of Gold Revenue at their respective offices: —

NELSON GOLD FIELDS. No. 12. Mr. Warden Ciiables Broad to the Uitdeb SecketaeY for Gold Fields. Sib ,— Westport, 7th April, 1876. I have the honor, in transmitting to you the annual report of this district for the year ending 31st March, 1876, to point out to you that I labour under some disadvantage in actually not having had permanent charge of the district for moro than two months; and although it is not much more than twelve months ago since Mr. Warden Giles relieved me of tho portion of the district known as the Lyell, yet it is more than four years since I gave up charge of the Charleston and Brighton Districts to him. I would, however, premise that the Buller District, now in my charge, is bounded by tho Karamea northwards on the sea coast, and by the Eiver Hope northwards inland, and the Eazorback southwards on the coast, a distance of some 150 miles, and includes within its area the township of Westport, Charleston, Brighton, and the Lyell, and the various gold workings in proximity to those places, and also in detached terraces and rivers forming a continuous line through the entire distance. To supply the requirements of these places a monthly Court is held at the Lyell, a distance of 44 miles from Westport once a month, which enables the miners from the Upper Buller, Marahuia, Matakitaki, Mangles, &c, to attend. The Westport Court, which is held weekly, and oftener when occasion requires, supplies the wants of the miners working on the various terraces to the north, also at the Mokihinui aud Karamea Eivers, and on the south Addison's Flat and the various beach claims working

Civil. Criminal. Wardens. Total. rreymouth !lifton L rnold rreenstone 548 24 56 44 207 13 3 17 10 4 36 120 771 41 94 81 Total 672 75 987 240

f Greymouth. Clifton. Arnold. Greenstone. Total. Warden's Department ... Resident Magistrate's Department Spirit Licenses ... Fees: Licensing Courts... 3-old Duty, Westland ... £ s. d. 589 8 6 £ 353 s. d. 3 0 £ 360 s. 9 d. 0 £ s. 544 11 d. 0 £ s. d. 1,847 11 6 722 11 0 2,090 0 0 66 5 6 2,251 3 6 53 5 408 5 11 19 600 0 6 0 6 0 775 16 6 2,498 5 0 78 5 0 2,851 3 6 Elalf-share Customs Ee5,719 8 6 353 3 0 360 9 0 1,618 1 0 8,051 1 6 venue 18,793 2 2 18,793 2 2 Total 24,512 9 8 353 3 0 360 9 0 1,618 1 0 26,844 3 S

Greymouth. Clifton. Arnold. Greenstone. Total. liners' Eights lusiness Licenses [alf-yearly do. (uarterly do. .egistrations, 5s. Do. 2s. Gd. Do. Is. ... 366 4 7 2 355 33 969 332 2 4 239 5 21 18 355 16 17 5 89 7 175 1,292 25 47 29 424 40 1,144 W. H. Ee 'ELL, Warden.