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of their own school. The Act limits the capitation rate to four children, and exempts children residing more than three miles from any school established under the Act, as well as children attending any school not so established, on the production of a certificate signed by the teacher that any such child has attended any such school for three months prior to the levying of the rate. It has occurred to me to suggest, owing to the difficulties that appear to influence the attendance of the Native children at this school, as well as the paucity of pupils, that it would be advisable, provided the Central Board of Education for Westland was agreeable to the proposition, to let the school premises and hand over the management to the Board, in preference to maintaining a separate establishment and paying a high salary to a master for teaching the few children who at present attend. There are a good many European children in the locality, a few of whom attend the Native school, and more would do so if the school was under the control of the Board. As matters are at present, a European school cannot be erected because the Board is precluded under its by-laws (section 30) .from establishing a school under the Act within five miles of an existing school. This of course would be of secondary importance as far as the education of the Native children is concerned, had the Arahura school been likely to succeed as a separate establishment; but as that is very questionable, if the present condition of affairs is indicative of the future, the most prudent course to follow, as far as the expenditure is concerned, would be to hand over the school to the Board, and let the Native children attend with the Europeans. Judging from the result of a conversation I had with the Secretary on the subject, it might be possible to make arrangements with the Board to take over the Native school as suggested. Bth May, 1876. A. Mackay,

Enclosure 3 in No. 10. RETURN showing the NUMBER of NATIVE CHILDREN ATTENDING SCHOOL in the SOUTH ISLAND in 1875 and 1876. (The numbers do not include all on the roll, but only those present in each school when the inspection was made.)

No. 11. Mr. R. J. O'Sullivan to the Under Secretary, Native Department, Wellington. Sir, — Board of Education, Auckland, 24th June, 1876. I have the honor to enclose my reports on the following Native Schools : —St. Stephen's (Auckland), Otamatea, Taumarere, Waiomio, Oromohoe, Pukepoto, Awanui, Kaitaia; and to transmit (sent separately) a copy of the regulations referred to in the postscript to my reports. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Native Department. Richard J. O'Sullivan. Wellington.

Present in 1875. Boys. Girls. Total. Present in 1876. Bojs. Girls. Total. Vhakapuaka, Nelson.. Vairau, Marl borough.. irahura, Westland .. 51uff, Southland tiverton „ Luapuke „ 'aieri, Otago.. )tago Heads, Otago .. ).H. Night School,Otago 'urakaunui.. Haiapoi lotueka (This school was not inspected last year, but the number stood thus at the time of my visit to Nelson). 9 7 6 3 8 7 3 11 10 6 13 3 2 5 2 4 12 9 2 7 11 12 8 7 20 16 5 18 10 8 21 9 • • • • • • • • 9 7 4 3 6 9 4 12 8 6 13 3 2 5 2 4 8 9 5 17 11 12 6 7 14 18 9 29 8 8 21 9 2 8 6 2 8 6 Stewart's Island Wairewa .. Waikouaiti • ■ 12 8 8 13 8 8 25 16 16 86 59 145 112 97 209 Total attendam ;e—Boys .. Girls .. 1875. .. 86 .. 59 1876. 112 97 Incre ease in 187 26 38 70. >> >> Granc Total .. 145 209 64