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SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE, (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO). (In continuation of Papers presented on the 13th October, 1876.

Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 13th October, 1876. If you wish our co-operation, you had better seek alternative permission. Auckland, twelve hours longer, most objectionable. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney.

No. 2. The Hon. F. Whitakee to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 14th October, 1876. The question of modifying existing San Francisco Service discussed in House of Representatives last night. Appended resolution carried by large majority. It will be observed that it has been left to the contractors to determine port of call. Presume this will meet objections your Government. The modified service must be a four-weekly one, as there are fatal objections to calendar monthly trips. Hope the resolutions may be acceptable your Government and contractors, and that question be now settled without further delay. Government regret being unable to obtain parliamentary sanction at an earlier period. Will you please furnish Gilchrist with copy this telegram. The following are the resolution: — " That, in the event of the contractors for the San Francisco Mail Service being desirous of modifying the conditions of their contract, and in the event of the Government of New South Wales deeming it expedient that the contract should be modified, this House would consent to such modification on the following terms : — " (1.) That the service be direct from San Francisco to Sydney, calling at Honolulu and at Auckland, or at the Bay of Islands, at the option of the contractors. " (2.) That the Coastal Service be performed by the Company by ten-knot boats, to be approved of by the Government. " (3.) That the share of New Zealand contribution to the subsidy bo reduced by £7,500 if calling at Auckland, or £10,000 if calling at the Bay of Islands." Feedk. Whitakee. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Sydney.

No. 3. The Hon. F. Whitakee to Messrs. Gilchibst, Watt, and Co., Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 14th October, 1876. Decision arrived at last night by House of Representatives on Pacific Mail Company's proposal to modify the San Francisco Service. The resolutions of the House have been telegraphed Colonial Secretary, and I have requested him to furnish you with copy of my telegram. Feed. Whitakee, Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Postmaster-General.