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No. 12. Mr. Stuaet to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, "Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 12th October, 1876. Hope that, in obtaining sanction your Parliament to modification mail service, you will secure option to call Bay Islands. Please reply. Alex. Sttjaet. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. (for Colonial Secretary, Sydney.)

No. 13. The Hon. F. Whitakee to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, Sydney. (Telegram.) "Wellington, 13th October, 1876. (luioAT difficulty about coastal service if Bay of Islands port of call. Auckland will probably be fixed. Difference of time to Sydney, few hours only. Fhed. Whitakek, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Sydney. Postmaster-General.

No. 14. Statement showing the Number of Days allowed by the Official Time Tables for the transit of Mails between London and the undermentioned places, by the Mail Service via San Francisco, and the Mail Service via Galle and Suez. Also, the shortest Time in which the Mails have been delivered at or from the respective places by each of the above-mentioned Services.

By proposed alteration, time for delivery of New Zealand mails will be shortened by between one and two days. General Post Office, Wellington, W. Geat. 28th September, 187(5.

By Authority : Gf.obob Didsbcbt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB76. Price 6d.]

Via San Fbancisco. /■;, Bkindisi. Vid S' iuthampto; Place. Contract Shortest Time, Time, No. of No. of Days. Days. Place. Contract Time, No. of Days. Shortest Time, No. of Days. Place. Contmct Tim?, No. of Days. Shortest Time, No. of Days. Sydney lackland Wellington ... lunedin 48 45 49 51 46 41 45 48 Sydney Auckland Wellington ... Dunedin 49 60 56 53 47 58 51 :<> Sydney Auckland Wellington ... Dunedin 56 (i7 ea 60 M 68 5!> 57