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SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE, (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO). (In Continuation of papers presented on the 26th August, 1876.)

Presented to loth Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., Sydney, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 21st August, 1876. Pacific Mail Company's cablegram, 13th July, instructs us to negotiate change of route of via Honolulu-Auckland : Time to latter, five hundred seventy-four. Honolulu-Bay Islands: Time, five hundred sixty-two. Ten-knot schedule impossible. No coastal service. Subsidy eighty thousand pounds, as steamships employed exceed in power and capacity contract stipulation. Experience shows lixed monthly date sailing be most advantageous to correspondents and passengers, hence ask monthly trips. We beg your favourable consideration of foregoing, and early reply. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co.

No. 2. The Hon. Sir J. Vogel to Messrs. G-ilcheist, Watt, and Co. (Telegram.) Wellington, 23rd August, 1876. Cannot understand your telegram re modification of service. Please repeat, and add further information, if you have received any. Reply at once. Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Julius Vogel.

No. 3. Messrs. Gilchbist, Watt, and Co. to the Hon. Sir J. Vogel. (Telegram.) ' Sydney, 23rd August, 1876. Oub telegram is %, copy of the one forwarded from the Pacific Mail Company, New York, on 13th July, to Messrs. Williams, lilanchard, and Co., Sau Francisco, and advised by them in letter to us. We repeat it verbatim: —" Negotiate change of route via Honolulu—Auckland : Time to latter, five hundred seventy-four. Honolulu-Bay Islands: Time, five hundred sixty-two. Sydney, six hundred seventy-two. Ten-knot schedule impossible. No coastal service. Subsidy eighty thousand pounds, as steamships employed exceed in power and rapidity contract stipulation. Experience shows fixed monthly date sailing be most advantageous to correspondents and passengers, hence ask monthly trips. —Houston." We have no further information. The Hon. Sir Julius Vogel, Wellington. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co.

No. 4. The Hon. Sir J. Vogel to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaby, New South Wales. (Telegram.) Wellington, 2Sth August, 1876. Apaet from cost, which obviously is excessive, can you give me your views respecting offer Pacific Company ? Especially say, do you approve calendar month service ? Please reply early. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Sydney. Julius Vogel. I—F. 3d.