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No. 31. The Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Bluff, 18th November, 1875. Sydney, 13th November.—Referring to my telegram 11th, the arrival of " Vasco de Gama " has caused an end to be put to negotiations for " Cyphrenes " or " City of Melbourne." Postmaster-General, Wellington. Postmaster-General.

No. 32. The Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Bluff, 18th November, 1875. Sydney, 13th November.—Received last night your telegram and duplicate of sth. " Vasco de Gama" arrived yesterday evening. Hall this morning produced letter from Secretary, Pacific Mail Company, notifying that he had on September, 14th, 1875, been appointed General Agent of the Company for the Australian, New Zealand, and Fijian Colonies, and that he is authorized to act for Company in all matters relating to the details of the contract. This morning sent me following letter : —" I have to request, as Agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, contractors for the New South Wales, New Zealand, and Californian Mail Service, that I may be permitted to send the ' Vasco de Gama' via Auckland with the November mails on the 20th of the present month, instead of via Kandavau." We at once replied that Government cannot sanction any departure from contract. Postmaster-General, Wellington. Postmaster-General.

Vide No. 21,

No. 33. Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co. to the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Sir, — Sydney, 22nd November, 1875. After writing you on 19th instant, Mr. Hall received notice from this Government that they objected to the " Cyphrenes" proceeding through to San Francisco. We therefore instructed the " Vasco de Gama " to proceed through to San Francisco, and " Cyphrenes " to effect a junction at Kandavau with " Colima/' take on board the New Zealand mails for Auckland, and with your permission proceed down the coast to Port Chalmers ; leave there on the 15th December, in accordance with time table, and then via ports to Kandavau; there connect with January incoming mail, and again return with New Zealand mails, after which we trust we may have another contract ship available. We regret exceedingly the necessity to ask any relaxation from the strict letter of the contract, but in the circumstances under which we are placed no other course is open to us. We have, &c, Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Agents. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington.

No. 34. The Hon. D. Pollen to Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 6th December, 1875. In acknowledging the receipt of your communication of the 22nd ultimo, in which you request that the contract with the Pacific Mail Company may be so relaxed as to permit the s.s. " Cyphrenes " for the conveyance of the mails between New Zealand and Kandavau, during the month of December instant, and January proximo, I have the honor to inform you that this Government decline to authorize any departure from the terms of the contract. I have, &c, Daniel Pollen, Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Acting Postmaster-General. Agents for the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Sydney.

No. 35. Mr. Gray to Messrs. Owen and Graham. (Telegram.) Wellington, 24th November, 1875. In advising you that Government has decided to forward the New Zealand mails by "Vasco de Gama," I have been directed to give you notice that this action of the Government in no way relieves the Contractors of their liability for failure to commence service from Port Chalmers on proper date. You will please understand that Postmaster-General holds Contractors liable for 3—F. 3.