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No. 15. The Hon. D. Pollen to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 25th October, 1875. I have the honor to forward you copy of a Resolution adopted on the 11th instant by the House of Representatives, ratifying the contract made on the 23rd July last by Sir Daniel Cooper and Mr. Thomas Russell, on behalf of the Governments of New South Wales and New Zealand respectively, with the Pacific Mad Steam Company, for the performance of a mail steam service between San Francisco, Sydney, and New Zealand. At the same time a Resolution, copy of which I also enclose, was adopted, imposing upon this Government the duty of endeavouring to effect such modification of the terms of the contract as will reduce the annual charge for the service to .640,000. On this subject I shall address you at a future time. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, N.S.W. Daniel Pollen.

Enclosure in No. 15. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Monday, the 11th day of October, 1875. Resolved, That this House ratifies the joint contract entered into on the 23rd July, 1875, by Sir D. Cooper, Bart., and Mr. Thomas Russell, on behalf of the Governments of New South Wales and New Zealand respectively with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company of New York, (for whom Messrs. Elder and Co. of Glasgow, and Mr. Macgregor, M.P. for Leith, are sureties,) for a four-weekly Mail Steam Service between San Francisco and Sydney, and between New Zealand and San Francisco. Resolved, That in the opinion of this House, the annual charge imposed on the revenue of New Zealand for the mail steam service ought not to exceed forty thousand pounds; and that it is the duty of the Government immediately to enter into negotiations to procure such modification of the terms and conditions of the contract as, subject to future ratification by the House, will effect that object. A true extract. F. E. Campbell, Clerk, House of Representatives.

No. 16. The Hon. W. H. Reynolds to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, New South Wales. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 25th October, 1875. I beg to forward you copy of Resolutions agreed to by the House of Representatives on the 11th instant, ratifying the San Francisco Mail Service Contract, which was entered into on the 23rd July last by Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart, and Mr. Thomas Russell with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. I shall do myself the honor of addressing you on an early date on the subject of the desired modifications of the terms and conditions of the contract, as expressed in the second Resolution. I have, &c., William H. Reynolds. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, New South Wales.

Vide Enclosure in No. 15.

No. 17. The Hon. J. Robertson to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Sir. — Colonial Secretary _ Office, Sydney, 11th November, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, forwarding copies of Resolutions adopted by the House of Representatives of your colony on the 11th October last, respecting the contract made on the 23rd July last by Sir Daniel Cooper and Mr. Thomas Russell, on behalf of the Governments of New South Wales and New Zealand respectively, with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, for the performance of a mail steam service between San Francisco, Sydney, and New Zealand. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary of New John Robertson. Zealand, Wellington.