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Enclosure 4 in No. 4. Mr. Meade to the Secretary to the General Post Office. Sir, — Downing Street, 30th August, 1875. I am directed by the Earl of Carnarvon to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th instant, respecting the Fijian Postal Accounts. In another letter of this day's date, I have forwarded to you, by Lord Carnarvon's direction, a copy of a despatch from the Governor of New South Wales on this subject; and lam to state that before taking any action on your letter now under acknowledgement, his Lordship would be glad to learn how far this despatch from Sir Hercules Robinson affects the views expressed in your letter. I have, &c, The Secretary to the General Post Office. R. M. Meade.

Enclosure 5 in No. 4. Mr. Meade to the Secretary to the General Post Office. Sir, — Downing Street, 30th August, 1875. "With reference to your letter of the 18th March, and to mine of the 19th instant, respecting the Fijian postal accounts, I am directed by the Earl of Carnarvon to transmit to you, to be laid before the Postmaster-General, a copy of a despatch from the Governor of New South Wales on this subject. I am also to enclose copies of despatches which were addressed to the Governors of New South Wales, New Zealand, and Fiji on the receipt of your letter above quoted. I have, &c, The Secretary to the General Post Office. R. M. Meade.

Enclosure 6 in No. 4. Mr. Tilley to Mr. Herbert. Sir, — General Post Office, London, 3rd September, 1875. I have laid before the Postmaster-General your letter of the 30th ultimo, enclosing copies of despatches which were addressed by the Earl of Carnarvon on the 23rd March last to the Governors of New South Wales, New Zealand, and Fiji, communicating to them the suggestion made by this office that an arrangement should be come to between the three colonies with respect to letters prepaid by means of Fijian postage stamps forwarded to this country by the packets which arc employed in the conveyance of mails between Sydney and Auckland and San Francisco, in order that letters so prepaid might be delivered without further charge on their arrival here. Your letter also encloses copy of a despatch from the Governor of New South Wales, replying to the communication addressed to him on this subject. The Governor of Fiji has intimated the description of postage stamps which will be used in that colony for the prepayment of letters sent to the United Kingdom; and, as I stated in my letter of the 25th ultimo, Lord John Manners has given orders to treat as prepaid all letters hearing such stamps, provided they are of sufficient value to defray the postage. But now that the postage on correspondence from Fiji will be prepaid in the colony instead of being levied here on delivery, the Postmaster-General considers that it would be an inconvenient and needlessly troublesome arrangement for this office, which receives no part of the postage on such correspondence, to recover the amount from Fiji and then pay it over to the colonies of New South Wales and New Zealand, as proposed by Sir Hercules Robinson. The arrangement which, in the opinion of the Postmaster-General, would seem desirable and convenient is, that an understanding should be come to for the payment by Fiji of an annual contribution to the Governments of New South Wales and New Zealand for the use of their packets in the conveyance of Fijian mails, or that the Fijian Post Office should account directly to the other two colonies for so much of the postage collected in Fiji as represents the sea postage on the mails thus conveyed. As regards mails sent hence to Fiji, this office will of course continue to account to the Post Offices of New South Wales and New Zealand for the postage which has been levied here, less the British inland rate; but the Postmaster-General does not consider that he has anything to do with the postage levied in Fiji on behalf of New South Wales and New Zealand. I have, &c, R. G. W. Herbert, Esq., &c, &c, Colonial Office. John Tilley.

Enclosure 7 in No. 4. The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, K.C.M.G. Sir, — Downing Street, 7th September, 1875. I communicated to the Postmaster-General a copy of your despatch of the 14th June, relating to the Fijian postal arrangements, and forwarding specimens of the postage stamps in use in Fiji.