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In continuation of Papers presented on the 15th October, 1875. No. 1. Mr. Russell to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Sir, — London, 29th June, 1875. I have the honor to enclose a printed copy marked A of the preliminary contract for the San Francisco Mail Service. This form of contract is exactly as printed and submitted to the contractors previously to their tendering. On conferring, however, with them, and before acceptance of their tender, some few alterations were made in the contract, but in order to close the transaction, it was agreed to sign it as originally printed; the signature of the Pacific Mail Company of New York has been affixed by Mr. Charles Clark of this place, who has been authorized thereto by a special power of attorney under the Company's seal, and deposited with our solicitors in New York ; it will, however, be more satisfactory, to have the Company's seal to the contract, and the amended form now agreed to will be sent to New York for that purpose. It has already received the signature of all the other parties to it. I enclose a copy of it marked B : the alterations are shown by the ink additions and erasures; they do not affect any important conditions of the contract. The Contract A will be given up when the Company's seal is attached to the Form B. Should any unforeseen occurrence prevent the Company agreeing to the Contract B, the Contract A will remain the permanent and binding contract. I have, &c. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Thos. Russell.

Not printed.

.Not printed,

No. 2. Messrs. John Mackrell and Co. to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Dear Sir, — 21, Cannon Street, London, E.C., 21st September, 1875. We now learn by cable from New York that the new postal contract with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company has been sealed by that Company as well as having been executed on their behalf here in England, and that the bond has also been executed in like manner by them. We have requested our agents, Messrs. Foster and Thomson, New York, to whom we forwarded the contracts and bonds for this purpose, to forward to you direct one part of the contract, and one part of the bond by the outgoing mail, to save the loss of time which would arise by the same being sent to us and then forwarded to you. As you will see, the contract has been executed by Mr. Russell on your behalf, but it is necessary that you yourself should execute the contract; and if the authority of the Governor has not yet been obtained for your doing so, it mil be necessary that it should be procured, in order to comply with the provisions of the Post Office Act of 1858. We have, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. John Mackrell and Co.

No. 3. Mr. Russell to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Sir, — London, 29th October, 1875. Herewith I have the honor to enclose further correspondence respecting the San Francisco Mail Service. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Welliugton. Thos. Russell. I—E. 3.