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Wednesday, 15th Decembee, 1575. The Commission opened at half-past nine o'clock, Mr. District Judge Weston and Mr. Warden Beetham, Commissioners, being present. Mr. T. Mackay represented the Crown, and Mr. J. B. Fisher and Mr. W. R. Haselden several claimants. The following claim to an allotted section was heard: —Section 113, P. J. Bruen. Evidence was taken in support. The following claims to sections held in virtue of business licenses were heard : —Sections 47,150, 155, Reuben Came; section 99, Hooper and Dodson; section 121, J. B. McConnell; sections 172, 178j M. Organ; section 56, Donald Campbell; section 148, John Derungs; section 151, T. Manscll; section 183, S. Riley ; section 134, J. Shelley ; section 101, Jules Kelpe ; sections 173,192, J. Weston; sections 177, 178, 179, D. McLeod; section 140, T. H. Dickenson; section 141, Walton Pell. The following persons claiming sections on the vacant space between section 100 and the corner of Henley Street were heard in support:—Jane Cochrane, H. Pain, J. Corr (for section occupied by Crowell), Andreas Peterson. Mr. A. D. Dobson, Resident Engineer, was called to give evidence as to the right of these persons to occupy, and also as to the date of the formation of Palmerston Street. The case of Mr. D. McLeod, who claimed £1,200 for the Wakefield Street Wharf, was called on; but Mr. Fisher, who appeared for McLeod, declined to offer evidence, and the case was not proceeded with, McLeod assenting to this course. Mr. Humphrey was examined as to the rate of insurance in Westport, and as to the character of the structures in the town generally. Mr. J. B. Fisher handed in copy of telegram from the Superintendent of Nelson to the Colonial Secretary with reference to the withdrawal of the Colliery Reserve from the operation of the Gold Fields Act, and also a draft of" The Immigration and Public Works Bill, 1875," as introduced to the House of Representatives, in which it was declared that tho Westport Colliery Reserve was " free from all incumbrances." The Commission adjourned at 5.30 o'clock p.m. T. S. Weston, Chairman. Richmond Beetham.

Thursday, 16th December, 1875. The Commission opened at half-past nine o'clock, Mr. District Judge Weston and Mr. Warden Beetham, Commissioners, being present. Mr. T. Mackay, on behalf of the Crown, and Messrs. Fisher and Haselden, were also present. Some discussion having taken place on the day previous upon an application by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Haselden for the production of Mr. Mackay's report to the Government upon the subject of the Colliery Reserve, — Mr. Mackay explained the relations subsisting between himself and the Government, and, following the practice adopted by the Home Government with reference to the production of reports prepared by responsible officers, declined to allow the perusal of the report submitted by himself to the Government. Discussion followed, and the Commission adjourned at 11.30 a.m. T. S. Weston, Chairman. Richmond Beetham.

Saturday, 18th Decembee, 1875. The Commission opened at ten o'clock, Mr. District Judge Weston and Mr. Warden Beetham, Commissioners, being present. Mr. T. Mackay, on behalf of the Crown, and Messrs. Fisher and Haselden, were also present. The following claims to sections held in virtue of business licenses were heard: —Sections 67 and 68, William Evans. The claim of Jules Kelpe to allotted section 137 was called on, but the claimant did not appear. Mr. J. B. Fisher made an application, on behalf of John Corr, to have his name inserted in lieu of that of Charles Crowell, as claimant to an unoccupied section near the corner of Henley Street. The application was received, upon condition that Corr should produce documentary proof of Crowell's withdrawal from the claim. The following persons, supposed to have right to the sections set opposite their names, were called on, but did not appear:—Old Business License Sections: Section 100, William Sloan; section 105, Anne Morris. Allotted Sections: Section r L29, F, Courtney ; section 137, P. F.'Smyth ; section 160, Jane Johnston; section 194, John Clarke. Mr. Thomas Mackay indicated certain documents which would be put in, and the Commission was finally closed. T. S. Weston, Chairman. Richmond Beetham.

6—A. 3.