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1. Fitzgerald, John. —Applied on the 7th August, 1874, under the ordinary regulations of this office, and sailed in the " Assaye " for Auckland, on the Ist September, 1874. He did not make application to be forwarded to Uiverton or to any part of the Province of Otago. He was nominated on the 6th July, 1874. The advice was received from the colony on the 19th September, about sis weeks after the date of the despatch of the ship named. 2. Lynch, Daniel, and Wife. —These persons made application on the 26th March, 1874, under the ordinary regulations of this office, and proceeded by the " Hydaspes " for Auckland, on the 10th August, 1874. They were nominated on the 24th June. The advice did not, however, arrive here until the 31st August, three weeks after the date of the despatch of the vessel named. Lynch, Catherine (mother of Daniel Lynch). —Also nominated on the 24th June, 1874. She proceeded under the nominated arrangement in her favour, in the " Gareloch " for Otago, on the 23rd November. 3. Cody, Lawrence and Patrick. —l am unable to find any memorandum of the nomination of these persons at Riverton. They applied under the ordinary regulations of the office, and sailed by the "Dilharee" for Auckland, on the 3rd October, 1874. It is singular that the Local Agent who forwarded the applicant's papers, Mr. B. Quinn of Galway, should have written on the 24th August as follows: —" As requested, I enclose you the characters of these young people, who are anxious to go to New Zealand, Auckland," &c. I have, &c, I. E. Feathebston, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 133. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Ministee for Immigeation. (No. 230.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— April 14th, 1875. I have the honor to enclose herewith, for the information of the Government, a copy of Mr. Patrick Mason's report of his emigration operations for the half-year ended 31st December, 1874 ; also, a copy of his report for the first quarter of 1875. The results of this agency have been so unsatisfactory, that I fully intended to have abolished it some months ago ; but I thought it better to defer takiug any measures in the matter until I have had an opportunity of conferring with the Hon. the Premier, which, owing to his continued indisposition, I have not yet had. I have, &c, I. E. Feathebston, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

Enclosure 1 in No. 133. Mr. P. Mason to the Agent-Genebai. Agency of the New Zealand Government, 22, Eden Quay, Dublin, Sib — 12th April, 1875. In compliance with your instructions, I have the honor to report, for the information of the New Zealand Government, the proceedings in connection with the emigration at this office since my report of Ist July of last year to the close thereof. 2. In addition to personal applications, there were sent by post in the remaining half of that year 346 letters, giving information, of which 220 were in the first, and 126 in the second quarter. 3. There were sent out 88 forms of application for passage, of which 58 were sent in the first, and 30 in the second quarter, and of these there were returned and sent to London 47, representing 138 persons, of which 43 with 88 persons were in the first, and 24 with 50 persons in the second quarter. As stated in my last report, I cannot say how many of these finally embark. I have had since since then to make a monthly return to a department of the Government here for statistical purposes of the number embarking, so far as known to me ; and. the numbers are —July, 26; August, 38 ; September, 11; October, 10; November, 5; December, 21: in all 111 for the six months. But the applications of several of these parties were referred to in my former report. 5. There has been a large decrease in the numbers, as compared with the first part of the year, caused chiefly, I think, by the notice of 6th June, restricting the emigration, but also by the discontinuance of advertising ; there has also been a diminution in the numbers emigrating from this country, to which I directed your attention in my letter of 27th November, part 2. I have, &c, Pateick Mason, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. Agent.

Enclosure 2 in No. 133. Mr. P. Mason to the Agent- Geneeai. Agency of the New Zealand Government, 32, Eden Quay, Dublin, Sic, — 13th April, 1875. I have the honor to submit to you, for the information of the New Zealand Government, the proceedings at this office for the first quarter of the present year.