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No. 113. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. (No. 126.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir— 9th March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 377, of 22nd December, 1874, forwarding copies of the following documents relative to the "Howrah," which vessel arrived in Port Nicholson upon the 30th November : —l. Commissioners' report. 2. Surgeon-superintendent's report. 3. Certified list of births and deaths upon the voyage. 4. Copy of a minute by His Honor the Superintendent of Wellington upon the Commissioners' report. I observe that the Commissioners reported favourably upon the general arrangements on board, remarking that " the immigrants were comfortably located as usual." I note also your instruction that, " unless the Hon. Mr. Vogel expressly directs to the contrary," I am to " insist in all future charter-parties that the whole passenger accommodation of emigrant ships is to be at the disposal of the Government. Tou proceed, however, to remark, that " these instructions are, of course, not intended to preclude persons approved (by me) as suitable emigrants, and paying their own passages, in order to take advantage of ' The Immigrants Land Act, 1873,' proceeding to the colony in Government emigrant ships." I shall, as you desire, confer with the Hon. the Premier upon this subject; but I think it right to point out that your object-will be entirely frustrated if you admit as passengers in our vessels those persons who, having paid their full fares, apply to me for land certificates under "The Immigrants Land Act, 1873." In point of fact, the great majority of full paying passengers who proceed in the second cabin and steerage of the vessels now apply for and obtain land certificates ; and it is my practice to require the shipping contractors to obtain from all such persons undertakings that they will comply with and submit to the regulations of the Government, and the rules and directions of the surgeon-superintendent. The object referred to by the Commissioners who inspected the "Howrah" will only be attained by rigidly excluding from Government immigrant ships all full-paying passengers, whether or not they have obtained land certificates. I have, &c, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 114. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration-. (No. 127.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sin, — Oth March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 379, of December, 1874, forwarding copies of the following documents relative to the " Bcbington," which vessel, you inform me, arrived at Napier upon the 20th November : —l. Immigration Commissioners' report. 2. Correspondence regarding the case of L P , who preferred a complaint against the captain and surgeon-superintendent. 3. Certified list of births and deaths. lam glad to learn that the Commissioners were satisfied with the condition of the vessel, &c. I observe that the Government deemed it necessary to direct that, pending full inquiry into the charge made by L 1' against the captain and surgeon, the payment of the gratuities to those officers should be suspended, but that a full consideration of the whole of the circumstances, as set forth in the correspondence, induced you eventually to consider that the treatment of the woman, although in excess of the powers conferred by law, was only actuated by a desire to inforce proper discipline, and that you therefore authorized the payment of the gratuities without restriction. I have, &c, I. E. Eeatherston, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 115. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. (No. 125.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir, — 9th March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 365, of 18th December, 1874, forwarding copies of the following documents relative to the "Waitangi," which vessel, you inform me, arrived at Auckland upon the 20th November: —1. Immigration Commissioners' report. 2. Immigration Officer's report. 3. Certified list of births and deaths upon the voyage. I am glad to learn that the Commissioners reported favourably upon the condition and general arrangements of the vessel, ;md that the emigrants, who are described as of " a suitable class,1' obtained immediate employment. I have, &c, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.