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4. The said Kobert Miles Sloman and Co., or one of them, will, during the voyage, and at their own cost, provide each statute adult upon the days and at the times specified in the following scale with the provisions of the descriptions and quantities following, (that is to say) for each statute adult, on every Sunday during the voyage, half a pound of preserved beef, and half a pound of flour for pudding, with four ounces of raisins ; on every Monday, half a pound of salt pork, half a pound of peas or saver-kraut; on every Tuesday, half a pound of salt beef and half a pound of barley or lentiles ; on every Wednesday, herring or half a pound of salt fish and half a pound of lentiles or of haricot beans; on every Thursday, half a pound of preserved mutton and half a pound of flour for pudding, with four ounces of prunes ; on every Friday, half a pound of salt pork and half a pound of peas for soup ; on every Saturday, half a pound of salt beef and half a pound of rice, with treacle. Every day three quarts of water, besides such as may be required for cooking purposes. And in addition, weekly, for every passenger, three pounds of potatoes, five pounds of white biscuits, five-twelfths of a pound of butter, two ounces of coffee, one ounce of tea, six ounces of sugar, four ounces of treacle, six ounces of lime juice, and the necessary vinegar, salt, and pepper ; and will supply each ship with a stock of provisions of the different descriptions sufficient for a voyage of one hundred and fifty-four days, allowing for each statute adult upon the said scale. The said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co., or one of them, will also at the like cost provide each ship with the medical comforts of the description and in the quantities following, (that is say) for every one hundred statute adults carried by such ship twenty-eight pounds of Carolina rice, twenty pounds of oatmeal, ten pounds of arrowroot, thirty pounds of barley, twenty-five pounds of sago, ten pounds of tapioca, two pounds of Liebeg's meat extract, or two hundred and fifty pounds preserved meat soup, forty pounds of preserved meat, twenty pounds of preserved beef and mutton in one-pound tins, two hundred pounds of loaf sugar inelis, thirty-six bottles of claret, eighteen bottles of sherry, twelve bottles of gin, twenty dozen of Bavarian beer, five gallons of vinegar, ten pounds of preserved milk, one hundred pounds of soap, three pounds hops, one hundred pounds of quick lime. The said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co., or one of them, will also at the like cost supply each ship with one chest containing the medicines and drugs usually found in a ship's medicine chest. (The surgeon-superiutendent appointed^to each ship providing his own instruments.) 5. The said ships with their fittings and arrangements, and all the provisions, medical comforts, and drugs shall, before the sailing of the several ships, be surveyed and examined by the said William Kirchner, or other the agent of the said Government on the Continent for the time being, who shall, when satisfied therewith, give to the said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co. a certificate of his approval thereof, as well as the number of passengers allowed to be carried by every ship under this contract. 6. The said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co., or one of them, will give a free passage out and home to the surgeon-superintendents appointed by the said Government, as hereinafter is mentioned, with a state room and mess at the captain's table, but without spirits (providing the said surgeon-superin-tendent with a bottle of good wine per diem on the outward passage) similar to what is furnished for saloon passengers. The return voyage of each such surgeon-superintendent to be commenced within two months from his landing in the said colony, or should any such surgeon-superintendent prefer to return by any other means than in a ship belonging to the said Robert Miles Sloman and Co., they, the said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co., or one of them, shall pay to such, surgeon-superintendent the costs of his passage homo, such costs not to exceed the sum of fifty pounds. 7. The said Government, by the said Agent-General, in consideration of the agreements hereinbefore contained on the part of the said Eobert Miles Sloman and Co., agree to pay to them the sum of seven pounds on account of the passage money for each statute adult sailing in any vessel so to be provided as aforesaid, such sum to be paid in London in cash ten days after the sailing of each such ship : Provided the said William Kirchner, or other the agent acting on behalf of the said Government, shall certify that each such ship has been properly equipped and found in accordance in all respects with the provisions of this agreement, and on the receipt by the said Agent-General of such certificate and of the usual return roll of the emigrants, signed by the said William Kirchner or such other agent as aforesaid, and a further sum of seven pounds, being the remainder of the passage money for every such statute adult who shall be landed in New Zealand within seven days of the arrival of the ship from which such adult shall have landed, such last-mentioned sum to be paid in bank bills on London at par. 8. The said Government will provide a German surgeon-superintendent for each ship, who shall receive his instructions direct from the said William Kirchner, or other the agent of the said Government on the Continent for the time being, and whose orders respecting the medical treatment and the arrangements regarding the comfort of the passengers shall be obeyed by the captain, officers, and crew, but no such surgeon-superintendent shall interfere with the working of the ship to which he shall be attached. 9. This agreement or the benefit thereof shall not be assigned or transferred to any other person or persons without the previous consent in writing of the said Isaac Earl Featherston, or other the Agent-General of the said colony for the time being. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. (Signed) Eobebt Miles Sloman, Feedk. Leopold Loeseneb, I. E. Featheeston. Witness to the signatures of the said E. M. Sloman, F. L. Loesener, and I. E. Featherston— (Signed) W. Kibchneb. The payment of fifty pounds by Messrs. Eobert M. Sloman and Co. to the surgeon for his return passage is herewith revoked, and instead thereof the amount is to be devoted for the purchase of additional medical comforts. (Signed) E.M.S. F.L.L. (Signed) W.K I.E.F,