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No. 32. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Mih-istee for Imsiigbation. (No. 1520.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 7th August, 1874, I have the honor to inform you that I have appointed Mr. Cashel Hoey my private Secretary, subject to the confirmation of the Government, at a salary of £400 a year—a salary which I regard as wholly inadequate. Mr. C. Hoey acted in a similar capacity to the Right Hon. Hugh C. E. Childers during the time he held the office of Agent-General for Victoria, and for six months after Mr. Childers' resignation had charge of that office. Since his acceptance of the appointment, Mr. Hoey has addressed the letter to me of which I enclose a copy. I have, Ac, I. E. Peatiieeston, The Hod. Julius Vogel, C.M.G., Wellington. Agent-General.

Enclosure in No. 32. Mr. J. C. Hoey to the Agent-Genebal. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— _ sth August, 1874. I have the honor to inform you that I have tendered to the Government of Victoria, through the Hon. A. Michie, Agent-General for that colony, my resignation of the office of Emigration Commissioner and Member of the Board of Advice, which for the last three years I have held in connection with the service of that colony in this country. I have thought it right to take this step from a sense that the Government of Victoria may consider the office I have accepted on your staff as incompatible with my continued tenure of a seat on those Boards. The Hon. I. E. Featherston, I have Ac, Agent-General for New Zealand. J. Cashel Hoet.

No. 33. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Mintstee for Immigeation. (No. 1548.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 24th August, 1874. Referring to my letter of the 7th instant, a copy of which is enclosed herewith, I have the honor to inform you that Messrs. Shaw, Savill, & Co., Messrs. Galbraith & Co., and Messrs. Henderson & Co., have signed the contracts for the following ships, with the revised clauses 3G and 3Ga standing, viz., — Shaw, Savill, & Co.: "Oxford," "Cathcart," "Merope," "The Douglas," "Zealandia," "Chile," "Bebington," " Helen Denny," "Hydaspes," " Soukar," " Pleiades," " Crusader," and " Cospatrick." Galbraith & Co.: "Otago," "Christian McAusland," and "Jessie Eeadman." Henderson & Co.: " Canterbury." And that the New Zealand Shipping Company have also signed further contracts for the following ships, viz.,— "Ocean Mail," " Howrah," "Assaye," " Geraldine Paget," " Clarence," and " Carnatic;" having first struck out the greater portion of the revised clauses. Copies of these contracts are forwarded in the mail box which leaves by the Southampton steamer of the 27th instant. I have, Ac., I. E. Featheesxon, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 34. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Ministeb for Ijimigeation. (No. 1563.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 23rd September, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Ist July, enclosing copies of a telegraphic correspondence with the Superintendent of Otago, relative to the application of a number of persons for land under " The Immigrants Land Act, 1873," and of the printed regulations which have been issued under your authority in the colony in order to give eifect to the provisions of that Act. 2. Tou proceed to say that in your letter of 21st October, 1873 (No. 318), you had requested me to use my utmost exertions to insure practical effect being given to its provisions, and discussed the whole measure at considerable length, in order that no doubt might exist as to the intention of the Government in the matter, but that up to the date of your letter under acknowledgment you had received no information concerning the action taken by this department, but that you find from the correspondence enclosed by you, an advertisement had appeared in some Scottish papers setting forth