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effect to such a mode of settlement, and see no way of giving effect to it except by the land being taken under the Public Works and Immigration Act. I have, &c, J. D. Ormond, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington, N.Z. Superintendent.

No. 13. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson to the Agent-General. (Telegram.) 19th October, 1874. Take no action re translation pamphlet pending Vogel's arrival. Building mechanics w ranted, "Merope," " Invercargill," " Zealandia," "McAusland," " Cartvale." Featherston, London. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 14. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson to the Agent-General. (No. 303.) Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 22nd October, 1874. With reference to your letter No. 1385, of 12th June, and previous correspondence, upon the subject of embarking emigrants at Plymouth instead of in London, I have to request that you will bring the subject under the notice of the Hon. Mr. Vogel, during his visit to London. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 15. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson to the Agent-General. (No. 306.) Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 22nd October, 1874 Referring to your letter No. 1439, of 10th July, 1874, and to previous correspondence relative to the action taken by you in giving effect to " The Immigrants Land Act, 1873," I am glad to be informed of the active measures you report to have taken in the matter. The department is still flooded with applications under the Act of such an irregular character, that they cannot be entertained; many of them emanating through your office ; but as upon this subject you have been communicated w 7ith fully in my predecessor's letter No. 264, of Bth September, it is unnecessary that I should express myself further than that I fully indorse the instructions therein conveyed to you. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 16. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson to the Agent-General. (No. 307.) Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 23rd October, 1874. I have the honor to bring under your notice the fact that surgeon-superintendents of emigrant ships are in the habit of claiming their gratuity and head-money immediately upon arrival, and in many cases making a great grievance of the delay in payment, which is for many reasons unavoidable. I have to request that you will in future give these officers to understand that the gratuity and head-money are not actually payable until the lapse of a fortnight after landing the emigrants, although, when the report of the Commissioners is satisfactory, the money will be paid with the least possible delay. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 17. The Hon. H. A. Atkinson to the Agent-General. (No. 309.) Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 22nd October, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 7th August ultimo, in which you inform me that the three shipping firms with whom you do business absolutely refuse to sign the charter-parties unless the 36th clause, drafted by the Attorney-General, to provide for service of legal proceedings in the colony in the event of a breach of contract, be expunged. The Hon. Mr. Vogel will he in London when you receive this, and I have to request that you will bring the matter under his notice with the least possible delay. I cannot but think that, with the amount of business at your disposal, you should be in a position to insist upon the insertion of this very reasonable provision in the charter-parties. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. H. A. Atkinson.