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(Telegram.) Wellington, 9th September, 1874. Shall be happy to receive the papers you promise to send for circulation. The information published by the Agent-General was that which was furnished by the Immigration Officers at the various ports. If the information as to Auckland was wrong, it was the fault of the Immigration Officer ;or if wages in any other places were stated too high, that also is due to the action of Immigration Officers. His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Julius Vogel.

Enclosure 3 in No. 9. His Honor the Superintendent, Hawke's Bay, to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. (Telegram.) Napier, Bth September, 1874. In reply to No. 211, have not Parliamentary papers to refer to. In addition to emigrants now on the sea, I understand Agent-General is to despatch full ships, 300 to 400 in each, so as to arrive here during each of the months of November, December, and January. In addition, I should like instructions to be given for full ships to arrive here also in the months of February and March. The ships should all have a good proportion of agricultural labourers, single men, and single women. There will be ample employment for these people. Hon. J. Vogel, Wellington. J. D. Ormond.

Enclosure 4 in No. 9. His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington, to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 9th September, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, informing me of your desire to know whether I think any additional instructions should be sent to the Agent-General concerning the number of emigrants to be sent to this province. In reply, I beg to observe that the recommendation of tho Provincial Government of Wellington on this subject has been hitherto fully justified by the test of experience. Immigrants have been ahsorbed as they arrived during the winter months. A still larger number than 500 immigrants a month might be located and absorbed here; but arrangements would in that case be necessary over which the General Government assumes control; it is therefore alone capable of forming a correct judgment of the quantum of immigration. At the same time, I desire to assure you that the Provincial Government will continue to do its utmost to co-operate with your Government in promoting the distribution of those immigrants you may think proper to introduce. I have, &c., William Fitzherbert, The Hon. J. Vogel, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 5 in No. 9. His Honor the Superintendent, Marlborough, to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. S IE . Superintendent's Office, Blenheim, 11th September, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram No. 211, of the 4th instant, and, in reply, to inform you that if the direct shipments arrive here as expected, about December, the immigrants so coining, in .addition to the small lots forwarded from time to time from Wellington, will supply our present wants and carry us over the busy time of year at shearing and harvest, after which the demand for labour will materially slacken, and I should not deem it advisable to send for any more direct shipments to be landed here before the following spring. I have, &c., A. P. Seymour, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 6 in No. 9. His Honor the Superintendent, Nelson, to the Hon. the Minister for Immigration. g IE Wellington, 10th September, 1874. I have the honor to ackowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, in which you ask me if I think that any additional instructions should be sent to the Agent-General concerning the Province of Nelson, and in reply to say that I do not recommend any alteration in the number or classes of immigrants, but I think it desirable that the Agent-General should be instructed to act upon the existing instructions only at such dates as to prevent the probability of the arrival of the vessels in the colony during the winter months. I have, &c, Oswald Curtis, The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington. Superintendent.