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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1. Mr. 11. T. Kemp, Civil Commissioner, Auckland, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. Sir, — Civil Commissioner's Office, Auckland, 21st June, 1875. Before this is received in your office, I shall hope to have completed the payment of the Tangihua and Purua blocks, in the district of Whangarei. I have already so fully reported, for the information of the Hon. the Native Minister, the steps taken to obtain a cession of the various contiguous blocks described, I shall now only do myself the honor of saying that, the negotiations having commenced prior to my being relieved of this duty, it was arranged with my successor, and with the Native Minister's concurrence, that the final completion should also be left in my hands. I have the pleasure to state that this has now been done to the satisfaction of the Native sellers, and I trust that the arrangements made throughout will also meet with the approval of the Government. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Native Department H. T. Kemp, (Land Purchase Branch), Wellington. Civil Commissioner.


No. 2. Mr. J. W. Preece, Land Purchase Officer, to the Hon. the Native Minister. Sir, — Auckland, 3rd July, 1875. I have the honor to report that I returned from Holrianga on the Ist instant. The Court has finished its sitting, and all the blocks which were surveyed have passed through, excepting the Waipoua and Maunganui, which will be heard shortly. There were passed through at the Hokianga Court twenty-four blocks of land, containing in all about 67,000 acres, the titles to the whole of which have been completed, and all the deeds signed, with the exception of I—C. 4.

Name of Block. Acreage. Price per Acre. Price paid. Remarks. lukerenui 19,500 26,200 18,610 15,531 / 10,000 1 estimated: s. d. 1 6 1 10 2 0 1 6 £, S. 1,512 10 2,401 13 1,861 0 1,164 16 d. 0 4 0 6 'urua 'angihua additional Aukumeroa Incomplete ; price not fixed. tdditional Mataka 2,350 2 3 264 7 6 Bay of Islands District. ■ Total .. 92,191 7,204 7 4 H. T. Kemp.