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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Loan Agents to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sib, — . London, 27th May, 1875. In continuation of our letter of the 14th ultimo, we transmit to you copies of three further letters received from Mr. Vogel on the subject of the negotiation of the Pour Million Loan. We have, &c, P. G-. JULTAN, W. C. Saegeaunt, (for Selves and Dr. Featherston, absent in Ireland on duty). The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.

Enclosures the same as in No. 12, page 31, of B. 5,

No. 2. The Loan Agents to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Sib, — London, 11th June, 1875. Adverting to our letter of the 4th ultimo, we transmit herewith a statement showing the amounts received on account of the Four Million Loan, from the 14th May to the 10th instant, both inclusive. "We have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand. W. C. Sabgeaunt.

Enclosure in No. 2. New Zealand 4J pee Cent. 5/30 Debenture Loan op £4,000,000. Statement showing Amount Received on Account of the above Loan from the 14th May to the 10th June, 1875, both inclusive.

1875. Dr. £ s. d. May 14. Balance of former statement ... ... ... ... ... 3,133,022 7 3 Sundry subscribers, 45 per cent, on £16,900 scrip paid in full (less discount 5 per cent., as per contra) ... ... ... ... 7,605 0 0 Ditto, 15 per cent, on £11,500 ditto, due 4th May ... ... ... 1,725 0 0 Ditto, interest on arrears (£1,725) at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 272 „ 15. Ditto, 45 per cent, on £4,300 scrip paid in full (less discount 5 per cent., as per contra) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,935 0 0 Ditto, 15 per cent on £2,000 ditto, due 4th May ... ... ... 300 0 0 Ditto, interest on arrears (£300) at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 090 „ 18. Ditto, 45 per cent, on £22,400 scrip paid in full (less discount 5 per cent., as per contra) ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,080 0 0 Ditto, 15 per cent, on £1,500 ditto, due 4th May ... ... ... 225 0 0 Ditto, interest on arrears (£225) at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 088 „ 19. Ditto, 45 per cent, on £1,300 scrip paid in full (less discount 5 per cent., as per contra) ... ... ... ... ... ... 585 0 0 Ditto, 20 per cent, on £300 ditto, due 7th April ... ... ... 60 0 0 Ditto, interest on ditto, 42 days at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 072 Ditto, 15 per cent, on £300 scrip, due 4th May ... ... ... 45 0 0 Ditto, interest on ditto, 15 days at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 020 „ 20. Ditto, 45 per cent, on £2,000 scrip paid in full (less discount 5 per cent., as per contra) ... ... ... ... ... ... 900 0 0 Ditto, 20 per cent, on £2,000 ditto, due 7th April ... ... ... 400 0 0 Ditto, interest on ditto at 5 per cent. .... ... ... ... 2 7 2