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RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward ipecial Ftinds— continued. Immigration and Public Woeks Loans, 1870-74— continued. 6,675,134 14 1 . Total Receipts 6,675,134 14 1 Balance on 30th June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account ... ... ... Advances to be accounted for, — Colouial ... Foreign 144,304. 15 6 40,564 7 10 83,173 18 0 123,738 5 10 268,043 1 4 6,943,177 15 5 "Wellington Debts Act, 1871," — Receipts, nil. Balance on 30th June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account ... £5,688 10 6 Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account, — Receipts, nil. Balance on 30th June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account ... £14,520 2 1 " Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871," — Rents received from the Corporation of the City of Wellington 2,072 3 2 2,072 3 2 Total Receipts £2,072 3 2 "Nobth Otago Distbict Public Woeks Loan Act, 1872,"— Sales of Debentures Land Sales, &c. Transfer from Land Fund, Otago 17,000 0 0 10,790 9 9 601 4 9 28,391 14 6 Total Receipts £28,391 14 6 " GrENEEAL PUEPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873," — Sales of Debentures ... Advances on security of Debentures Contribution from Consolidated Fund under Section 13 of " The Appropriation Act, 1874 " Recoveries for Credit of Votes, &c, — Public Buildings Telegraph Extension Charges and Expenses ... ... .,, 211,200 0 0 56,800 0 0 25,000 0 0 246 10 8 15 7 1 17 14 0 279 11 9 Total Receipts 293,279 11 9 Balance on 30th June, 1874,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 22,125 4 3 4,468 13 4 26,593 17 7 £319,873 9 4