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Amendment, proposed by Mr. Sheehan, That the following be added to clause 10: " That the land was sold without sufficient inquiry as to its value or the possibility of its being drained, although the General Government Agent and the Inspector of Surveys both recommended that such inquiry should be made." The question being put, the Committee divided, — Axes. Noes. Sir G. Grey, Mr. Cuthbertson, Captain Kenny, Major Jackson, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Sir D. McLean, Mr. Rolleston, Mr. Ormond. Mr. Sheehan. Amendment agreed to. Clause 10 as amended agreed to. Resolved, That the Committee adjourn until Friday, loth October, 1875, at 11 a.m. The Committee then adjourned.

Feidat, 15th Octobeb, 1875. Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 a.m. Peesekt: Mr. Bryce in the Chair. Mr. Cuthbertson, Sir D. McLean, Sir G. Grey, Mr. Ormond, Major Jackson, Mr. Eolleston, Captain Kenny, Mr. Sheehan. Mr. Macandrew, Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman read telegrams from Mr. Dilworth and Mr. Sinclair in answer to telegrams sent by him. Consideration of draft report resumed. Clause 11 read. Amendment proposed by Mr. Sheehan, That the word "had" be inserted in lieu of the word " have." The question, That the word " have " stand part of the clause, being put, the Committee divided, — Axes. Noes. Mr. Cuthbertson, Sir G. Grey, Major Jackson, Mr. Macandrew, Captain Kenny, Mr. Eolleston, Hon. Sir D. McLean, Mr. Sheehan. Mr. Ormond. Amendment negatived. Amendment proposed by Mr. Rolleston, That the following be added to Clause 11: " though, as stated by the Hon. Dr. Pollen, the issuo of regulations should be precedent to any sales taking place, and the spirit both of the Act and of all existing regulations demands that the public should have the power of purchasing upon equal terms." The question being put, the Committee divided, — Ayes. Noes. Sir G. Grey, Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Rolleston, Major Jackson, Mr. Sheehan. Captain Kenny, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Sir D. McLean, Mr. Ormond. Amendment negatived. Resolved, That clause 11 be struck out. Clause 12 read. Amendment proposed by Mr. Sheehan, That clause 12 be struck out, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: " Finally, while it appears that the price to be paid for the block was not inadequate, and that public benefit will accrue from the construction of the Piako Road, your Committee are of opinion that dealings by private contract with the public landed estate are inexpedient, and they are glad to observe that the Government have proposed to bring the confiscated lands under the operation of the ordinary waste lands laws of the colony." Amendment agreed to. Clause 12 as amended agreed to. Postponed clause 2 read and agreed to. Postponed clause 4 read and agreed to. Resolved, on motion of Hon. Sir D. McLean, That the report be adopted as amended. Petition of John Crosby then came before the Committee. Order of reference read. Resolved, on motion of Mr. Macandrew, That the following form part of the above report: " That the petition be remitted to the Executive Government, with a view to the case being inquired into, and such redress granted as the facts of the case may require." Resolved, on motion of Mr. Macandrew, That the proceedings of the Committee be printed.